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5 Inspiring Business Ideas to Start At University

Starting a business at university gives you the opportunity to become a successful entrepreneur, or at least generate some extra cash. Here are some terrific ideas.
Today, university students and university graduates alike struggle to find employment in their desired career sector more than ever. Having studied a particular subject for 4 years, we can quite see the frustration. Luckily, starting a business at university gives you the opportunity to become a successful entrepreneur, or at least generate some extra cash. Whatever you do, though, we strongly suggest to not give up your essay writing. Whilst starting a business at university requires dedication, your coursework must come first! Here are 5 great business ideas to start at university:

5 Inspiring Business Ideas to Start At University

Start A Website

Starting a website is easy, and free! You can start a website for any business idea that you might have, whether it is to blog about your university experience or to sell some bespoke handcrafted items. Plus, on your website, or blog, you can host ads for payment, and depending on your experience, you may even get the opportunity to write advertorials for brands!

Sell A Design

Whilst we don’t suggest selling your artwork for students to hand in as their own work and score a high grade on, there’s no reason why you can sell your creative designs to those wanting to spruce up their dorm room. Not only is this a great way to enjoy a bit of extra cash to use on a night out, or more appropriately on your weekly food shop, but you can practice something you love. You never know where it might take you!

Start A Magazine

If you don’t want to start a website, what about starting a magazine? Magazines are a great business idea to start at university because you can do it yourself, or get a group of friends to help put it together with you! Just like a website, you can base your magazine on what you wish, whether it be related to your university course, a business magazine or something completely different.

Help The Local Elderly

Many students forget about life outside their university campus, after all you have everything you need on site, but a great business idea to start at university is to help the local elderly in your spare time. No matter how much free time you have to yourself, you can make good use of it by helping others, whether it be washing cars, grocery shopping or dog walking. Soon enough, you’ll have everybody in the area asking you for your services!


At university, there’s nothing stopping you freelancing, whether it is related to your current university course or your dream career. Not only will this provide you with vital experience, but you’ll improve your skills – and get paid for it. When you freelance, you get to control your workload, which is great for university students, since on top of work, you’ll have plenty of deadlines to meet and lectures to attend. If things ever get too busy, you can limit the amount of work you take on. Similarly, over the summer break, you may decide to take on a lot more work to make use of your time. You never know, in a few years’ time you may decide to freelance as a full-time profession! 
No matter what business idea you decide to start at university this year, we certainly suggest you do so! Not only is it a great way to build your career, but gives you the opportunity to learn skills outside the classroom. After all, what have you got to lose?

If you know of student entrepreneurs who are doing great, then tag them in comments. 

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 8th December 2017.

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