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New year, But the Same you?

Happy new year to all my readers! We promise to bring more and more exciting articles this year, and help you change for the better!
New year, But the Same you,happiness,energy,goals
It's the start of a new year but is it going to be same old you? Just take a look back at the year 2014 and see how you were, all the mistakes you committed and what you could have achieved with a little more of effort!

Take a look back and see how many people you hurt and apologize to them. Look back and see how many people helped you and don't miss the chance to thank them when you meet them again!

These things might be small things but they are those little things because of which you could have had a better year! Don't repeat the same mistakes again in this new year! Let this year be more special; the year in which you are more happy, energetic, active and successful! The time that once goes never comes back! Utilize this time, make yourself better and see the world around you become more better day by day!

Happy New Year 2015!!!

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 8th February 2015.
Purav Parekh
Purav Parekh is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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