Inspiring Stories
A collection of personal Interviews with celebrated leaders, entrepreneurs, corporate honchos or any success stories.


Alexio Yeoh - Capturing Motion and Emotions.

It’s not always necessary for passion to be ignited before we jump into doing something. Sometimes we come across our love for things after making them happen.

“Never in my life did I think of pursuing Fashion Photography,” says Alexio Yeoh, one of Malaysia’s top Art Director, Fashion Photographer and Illustrator at 27 years.

In the back of his head, he imagined himself as a successful art director while majoring in Creative Advertising. In these years at college, he worked on a thesis which was based on moving into the world of weird beauty, a place where only fashion people would appreciate the true beauty of a model. This widened his perceptions of photography which he once hated and his life set up on a rollercoaster ride. Before graduating from Curtin University Australia in Perth with his Master’s degree, he was practicing his hand on fashion photography as a freelancer for different modeling agencies preparing portfolio of models in Australia. “On returning back to Malaysia, my vision was clearer on what i wanted to do,” says Alexio.

Moments Alexio has lived and cherished throughout consist of a dream photo shoot of his. “It’s not an everyday instance that you have Malaysia’s renowned Supermodel Amber Chia at your door steps for a photo shoot. Most surprisingly my photo of Amber Chia was selected to be on the cover of a health magazine. This is when I found my confidence in doing more photography works. It was a big thing to me back then, and i really appreciate that moment” says Alexio with a smile that reflects gratitude.
Alexio Yeoh - Capturing Motion and Emotions, fashion photography
In this modern day art movement, according to Alexio, combining Art with Photography is just the perfect combination. He says, “The journey has been amaze balls and I don’t know where it just started.” The dream of an art director when takes shape into photography, it always leaves an instinct of the passion for nurturing the profession. And that’s when Alexio happened to combine Art and Photography. “Sometimes the ideas are totally crazy with very less probability of them coming out perfectly, but once you get it, the creative juices will be flying like it would never end,” he says.

Around 5 years ago, being new in this field of Photography, his challenges weren’t less but he has always stood up overcoming the criticism and negativity around for his work. Other than this, the major challenge was networking when he returned to Malaysia. Having no contacts and dreaming of a career in a new country seems risky. “Fortunately I got my first job and attended my first ever event that changed my life. From there the journey has always been amazing, for I got to know many people and they got to know ‘what I do for a living’,” recalls Alexio Yeoh.

He believes in always listening to his heart and keep doing what he thinks is right. Some challenges in his life actually did make him think twice on what his passion defined, but at the same time, he believed and realized he was on the progressive stage and one day his hard work will pay off and he was very sure to stand out different in the competitive field. He likes to keep a progressive vision, where one can learn lot of life lessons from the experience in the journey to reach the goal.

“I remember working for so many jobs in a day, rushing here and there from morning till midnight. That would have me drench all my energy but looking back to where it got me has been a whole lot of experience, it was priceless, I have always enjoyed what I do and I will continue to do better,” says Alexio with a very dedicated look.

The prominent supporters throughout his career have been his team of Makeup Artist, Hairstylists, Fashion Stylists and Agencies bookers who believe in what he does and this trust on him makes him feel responsible and inspired to do much more. For now he is extremely excited to watch Miss Universe Malaysia 2015 telecast, for which he was the art director.
When asked about his future plans, he says, “I would love to have my own fashion photography exhibition! Which will be a way of expressing my view and thought in photography, and definitely work for the greatest models in the world and it’s a dream to photo shoot Cara Delevigne ” with a gleam in his eyes.

He goes with the saying ‘A photo speaks a thousand words’. Many times, he tries to collect these thousand words by looking at his own pictures for hours together not knowing what he was looking for. “The models, their expressions and body language are so deep that I myself don’t understand the beauty behind each photo that touches marvels. There are too many challenges every time i do a shoot, and that makes me strive better each time I plan for something and makes things more exciting,” he says.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 19th February 2015.
IJ Anita Tejwani
IJ Anita Tejwani is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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