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7 Timeless Abraham Lincoln Quotes That Are Sure To Inspire You

Quotes have the depth of oceans, vastness of skies & package of Unlimited Inspiration in them. They wire us with momentary strength at times & Lifetime Inspiration at other times. iUeMagazine is happy to compile this dose of huge motivation via quotes by carefully hand picking these POWER Quotes for you. Read & Share
Abraham Lincoln, renowned for his fantastic speeches and incredible leadership skills, was one of the Western world’s most widely respected political leaders. The 16th President of the United States and the nation’s leader during a time of crisis, Abraham Lincoln is regarded as one of the greatest Presidents in US history, 145 years after his assassination.  ‘Never give up’ is a resounding theme that comes through, from his story. Below are some of his famous and most inspiring quotes that are sure to help you at all times of adversity.

1. “Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.”

7 Timeless Abraham Lincoln Quotes

2. “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.”

7 Timeless Abraham Lincoln Quotes

3. “Whatever you are, be a good one.”

7 Timeless Abraham Lincoln Quotes

4. “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

7 Timeless Abraham Lincoln Quotes

5. “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”

7 Timeless Abraham Lincoln Quotes

6. “I am a slow walker, but I never walk back.”

7 Timeless Abraham Lincoln Quotes

7. “I do the very best I know how - the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end.”

7 Timeless Abraham Lincoln Quotes

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 17th February 2017.
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