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Twist of life and death

Close your eyes for a minute, and reflect on your deeds, out of the many hours in a day you get. We look around for inspiration almost all the time that we fail to remember that the human mind is incredible. Sometimes, you can end up inspiring yourself. Sounds a little off? It isn't. "We must constantly look at things differently!" quoted Mr. Keating in Dead Poets Society. That is how we get inspired to do things better, to learn better, most importantly, to live better!
know about teens,confidence
Everything around us is quite inspiring, isn't it? Birds, animals, trees, nature, people, etc. What we take of it, is all that matters. Like this, when I first felt the urge to write and express myself was when I was in the tenth grade. It was a sad phase of life. I turned towards poetry. Even though most of my poems made little or no sense to the people reading it, it was more than just meaningful to me. They were a part of my mind and feelings. What death can do sometimes, huh?

Earlier that year my grandmother was diagnosed with brain tumour, a non-cancerous brain tumour. I recall, as she left the house to go the hospital for the surgery, grandpa asked her not to leave. I guess things would've been different if she'd listened. As you guessed, she left anyway with a promise to come back. A day after the surgery when she woke up, recognized everyone around, and went back to slumber, she went into comatose due to the brain hemorrhage which no one predicted. Grandpa on the other hand, from whom news on grandma was kept, was getting worse, health deteriorating with no possible explanation or disease. As odd as it was, the two of them were in the same ICU, without their knowledge. All this was put to an end with the demise of my grandmother and just a few days after, with that of grandpa too. Perfectly well human beings, within two months, die leaving nothing but happy and sad memories of the past. However strange, death inspired me.
Phoenixes teach us how to live. We carry loads of burden on our shoulders, most often than not. Let alone ours, we also carry our loved ones' burden. It's probably instilled in us by default. But, what we need to remember is that at some point we will have to let it go. We will have to let it go and give life another chance and see what it has in store for us.

In the uncertainties of life is where we find ourselves.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 17th June 2014.
Manisha Bhat
Manisha Bhat is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine

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