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iGathering 19 to be Held in Stockholm

iGathering location is finally announced. It's SWEDEN. Get geared for 2019. You are well informed and above all, well in advance. See you there.
Press Release
iGathering 2019
This iGathering will, for the first time, be going international: taking place in Stockholm, Sweden, on Tuesday the 17th April, 2019. The i-Gaming forum, also held in Stockholm, will happen later this year on the 18th of April.

Key stakeholders in the industry will get to network and exchange expertise as they experience sumptuous fine dining - an exclusive culinary treat which privileged C-Level invites can avail themselves of.

The dinner comes with a long-standing tradition of luxury, which has been carefully maintained by this year's hosts: Delta Projects, HiPay, iGaming Elite, Multi Lotto, and Pay 360.The i-Gaming forum will host a variety of topical panels spanning subjects such as Swedish Re-regulation, and Mergers and Acquisitions for new market entrants, alongside lighter activities such as networking breakfasts and cocktails. 
The most recent iGathering 18 took place at the Casino Maltese in Valletta, successfully rounding up some of the most important figures in the iGaming playing field. 

Stay tuned for more updates on iGathering 19 here at iU eMagazine. Are you going? Avail exclusive promo codes from iU eMagazine in due course of time.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 13th March 2018.
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