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Get Clients, Keep Clients

Business relationships mirror personal relationships. You become friendly with people you share interests with. You begin to know a person better as the relationship grows. If you LIKE and TRUST that person, the relationship will continue and deepen. If you grow to dislike or distrust that person, the relationship will usually sour and deteriorate. In your business and personal life, the growth and deterioration of relationships are based on the same three elements.

The three required elements to build any relationship are - Know, Like and Trust. I call it the "Know, Like and Trust Factor." This is a simple concept to understand and becomes even simpler if you consistently implement it.

Many business professionals look at marketing completely on the surface. If your business tends to market by simply advertising, exchanging business cards or flyers, it simply shows the necessity of a few key ingredients.

In marketing when you focus more on building relationships, you are taking the first step towards building your potential clients by making them know you, like you and trust you. People want to do business with those whom they know, like and trust.
get clients keep clients,business relationship

Getting To Know You:
For potential clients to know your existence, you need to market. Selling is not marketing. Let potential clients know how you can help them. You can show potential clients what your value is by offering it in various forms like writing newsletters, giving talks to different crowds, networking, writing articles and blogs.
You have to cater your potential clients personally, face to face to help them know you better. The first step is to make them KNOW your existence. This can happen when you do marketing by offering value, NOT JUST BY SELLING. You can do marketing online by creating a mailing list, social networking, article marketing, press releases, blogging, etc. Offline you can do things like networking or public speaking. Potential clients will take advantage of these services. If you create good services with great value and content, your marketing (company brand) becomes viral. People will now seek to learn more about your services.

Getting To Like You:
Who wants to deal with someone they don't like! It is rare to find someone so good at his or her trade that he or she can be unpleasant and still get work. The worst part about being unpleasant to a client is that word will spread like wildfire. People love to tell friends about their bad experiences.
Once potential clients feel good about your service, they will be your marketing executives for your product.

But you just need to give them the opportunity to like you. Clients have a lot of choices today. They can easily find someone else to work with. Make sure that you are in people's sight and mind by following them up, by keeping up to your words and doing the best job you can. As soon as you have first contact with a potential client, keep reaching out. Share information that helps them. Touch base, check in and refer them. Keep showing your value to clients. Your relationship will grow and their liking also, will grow.
Getting To Trust You:
Trust is the final factor & trust is gathered by doing what you say. Trust is built by giving. So give your client values and support. Give them satisfactory services. Trust is also earned by social proof such as referrals and testimonials. Keeping your word should be simple. Don't over promise anything. Meet deadlines and stay in contact Be responsive to client needs. Put yourself in the client's shoes and treat them like you want to be treated. Once the client trusts you, he will be willing to pay you for your services or products. They will feel comfortable putting their needs in your hands. Trust is the factor that will gather clients for you. Trust is a powerful tool for getting clients and keeping clients.

Do all of this, and watch your business grow! Good luck!

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on March 2012.
Rohit Daga
Rohit Daga is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine

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