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Every warrior like Arjuna needs a charioteer like Lord Krishna to steer the chariot in the right direction. Hope you have found your Krishna...
In our lives there are dozens of people who have managed to be very successful at what they are doing and these people are a wealth of information as long as we are able to tap into the wealth of information. Hence finding a true mentor at the right time is very important and it could not have been better than having Mr. Prashant Yag as my mentor who has helped me to get myself to the next level.
He has been a mentor for more than thousands of people. He exhibits a set of behaviour that are to be admired. He is someone who will encourage and support you to reach higher goals, to take the next step and to push you into success.He has always inspired us with his great ideas. He will always stand as a backbone at the time of need. He will help you to pay attention and stand on the track. If any blame to be taken, he always takes it on himself and if any credit is to be given it is always to others; this rare character showed his simplicity. He will do something else, change routine and learn something absolutely new outside his interest to give us the extra help because we may lack experience or knowledge.

He has always positioned and functioned as a leader, as a person who guides and directs his team. He was a perfect example for doing right things at the right time with the right ethics.He created an inspiring vision and then motivated and inspired all his teammates to achieve their visions. His charm, his ethics, his actions, his way of doing things, his initiative has made him a highly effective mentor, as well as, a leader.

Mentors are valuable for so many reasons as they provide knowledge, support, help us in personal development and so much more. If you are lucky enough to find a perfect mentor who can be all of these, then you have your formula to be on the top.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 30th May 2015.
Chaitra DM
Chaitra DM is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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