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Fundamentals of Photography Workshop

The most important aspect of Photography is to Unleash the Creative You in your photographic style. We will help you look deeper into the technical side of your photography and set you on your way to making your own mark.

This workshop is accurate for beginner and Intermediate level photographers. For those who wants to explore their camera or who have lately acquired a Dslr. The workshops are an ultimate guide to learn about the settings on your camera. This two day workshop will give a fair understanding of digital photography, camera operations and handling techniques.
Photography Workshop
Event Dates: 14th, 15th November 2015
Venue: Century Club, Cubbon Park, Bengaluru, India
Fee: Rs. 3750/-  


Module 1: Introduction and Understanding of Camera
Introduction to Camera
Understanding of Frame, Subject and Angles
Understanding of Auto Modes.

Module 2: Techniques to Practice
How to care for your lenses and camera body
Format – JPEG and RAW
Rule of third
How to hold a camera?
Tripod/Right way of balancing yourself
Breathing technique
Distractions /Background

Module 3: Natural and Artificial Lights
Right time to take pictures
Low Light Techniques
Artificial Lights (Flash, Torch, Candle etc)
Using your Camera Flash.

Module 4:
Flash Exposure Compensation
Focal Length
Focus Point/F-Point/Point of Focus
Techniques to enhance Focus point in an Image
ISO and what does it do?
White Balance
Exposure Bracketing
Depth of Field
Different types of Metering Modes

Module 5: Manual Modes/Creative Modes
P Mode: Program AE
Aperture Mode (AV)
Shutter Speed (TV)
Relation between Aperture and Shutter Speed What happens to the performance of the lens at various f/stops?
Manual Mode (M)
Relation between Shutter Speed, Exposure, ISO, White Balance and AEB

Module 6: Post Processing Technique
Lightroom and RAW essentials

General Settings
White Balance - Eye dropper option
Tonal Settings
Vibrance and Saturation
Highlights and Shadows
Whites and Blacks
Sharpen and Noise Reduction (Bit of masking feature)
1.9 Local Adjustments (isolated areas of photographs)
Photoshop Essentials

Blur - Field and Gaussian
High Pass filter
Saving in sRGB mode - advantages

Frequently asked Questions:

I am a complete beginner in photography. Is this Workshop recommended for me?
Absolutely! This Workshop does not assume any pre-existing knowledge of photography and is suitable for learners of all skill levels. If you are a complete beginner, you should sign up for the Workshop right away, as we're sure you'll find it really helpful!
I don't own a DSLR and have only a compact digital camera. Will this Workshop still be useful for me?
Yes. The fundamental concepts of digital photography are common to DSLR and compact digital cameras, so it will still be useful, and you'll be able to try a majority of the discussed concepts practically if your compact camera has manual controls. However, in order to make the most out of the Workshop, we recommend you hire a DSLR from us for the two days. Please talk to us for details.

How do I register for the Workshop?   You can register for the Workshop in the contact us page or calling us on +91-9740471400, or emailing us at

How do I pay the Workshop fee?   We have multiple payment options including online transfer, from which you may choose one as per your convenience. Details will be shared when we receive your enquiry.

What should I get to the Workshop?
Please bring your camera and kit lens, a fully charged battery, a memory card with sufficient space for a day's photography, and your camera manual.

I have paid for the Workshop but cannot attend. Can I get a refund?
If you cannot attend the Workshop after paying for it, let us know before the last Monday before the Workshop and we'll give you a credit note for 100% of the amount, which can be used to avail of any of our services. If you let us know after the Monday but before the Thursday ahead of the Workshop, we'll issue a credit note worth 50% of the amount. Unfortunately, if you let us know after the Thursday before the Workshop or do not inform us at all, we cannot issue a credit note, nor can we make cash refunds under any circumstances.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 2nd November 2015.

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