Poetic Spree
A collection of poems that inspire & share a powerful message for betterment of humanity.


Letters to Juliet

Hey Juliet, I guess I wrote down to you yesterday
when no one was around but I felt you around this way
Isn't that strange, but ok I would say
Sittin on the staircase and I found out this letter
half written and half empty space and that ain't any better
But I dont know why is this lying this way
the last it reads "See you tomorrow", describes a  flickering White dress
and all those just chase my doubts away.
Letters to Juliet
But its time not be so sure coz  that tomorrow is a mystery
It's so tragic in its mysterious lights and that ain't any better
Anyways, I was dreaming that the next days are glorious and the nights even more
And hoping you believe this and we shall be one again forever
But was it some kind of Mindless dreaming or were I just fooling around?
When  I found the letter was half empty with a portent Blank Space

Soon I found you have left to a place very far away, that neither I heard nor we talked about
But this love is hard and strong and its never too easy especially when I see you...
....keep coming back like leaves and flowers in springs and in red flamboyance in Autumn
Or like mondays blues and Sundys Fun quite often
You were so dear and Awesome.

I guess this love was enough to lead me to  your new home
It wasn't the attics, the windows and gardens but endless green pastures draped in Snowy White tasteless tones
And...Some vicious silence and demonic Tombstones
Kneeling down I pulled out a white thing, threads of which were festooned in my pensive face and sepulchral requiem
I couldn't let you go that way..
I wish it was a bad dream or some peevish hangovers from my past
But the merciless time has marked it as a real sad moment.
All crystal clear like the glacial lake or the infinite but a dolorous azure in summer
Wish I could pull out a ring instead that would adorn ours magic sublimely
Now you are gone forever, I brought you this Letter and words you wrote
...the other half I have filled you can see now, tears and sadness are the best inks I could find
FOR I AM always with YOU OR NEVER..

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 11th September 2015.
C.Karan Naidu
C.Karan Naidu is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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