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The Mentoring Chronicles 5: An Aura Cleansing Process/Person

If you’re somebody who has been intrigued by what an “aura reading machine” can tell you, you probably know the colour of your aura, your energy blockages and by extension validation of your physical/mental ailments if any. Can mentoring help even in this? Read ON!
Aura Cleansing With Help of Mentoring Aura cleansing. In this generation of information overload, this phrase is not unheard of for most. There are multiple places where Reiki is being taught, where aura diagnosis machines are easily accessible. And if you’re somebody who has been intrigued by what an “aura reading machine” can tell you, you probably know the colour of your aura, your energy blockages and by extension validation of your physical/mental ailments if any.
There are multiple aura cleansing techniques which are available all over the Internet for anyone who wishes to “cleanse” their aura!

Well, scientifically speaking, an aura is the energy field that surrounds any person, and this energy field has a pattern to it based on the physical and psychological structure of a person. If that is so, what we eat and what we think are directly impacting the energy fields we create/have engulfing us. Which therefore means, any external practice of “aura cleansing” is like sweeping the floor and then pouring a heap of sand on it- If the food consumed and thought patterns are not in check.
External cleansing definitely helps, but it doesn’t need a genius to figure that internal realignment can help cleanse energy fields far more effectively than just repeated external cleanses, which is really where this article comes to context.

The obstacle is the path- says Gautam Buddha. Our true test is when an obstacle is on the path- which it is for me- literally and figuratively. What I didn’t expect was the feeling of an energy field revamp (aura cleanse!) when I was getting into the meeting today, but that’s what I got. Even at the middle of the meeting, I was persistent that certain things were not my problems. I quite conveniently labelled it to be somebody else’s, simply because of the conviction I had.
Aura Cleansing With Help of Mentoring There were a hazaar (thousand) things my mentor could have said in response, but he chose to first acquiesce, and then give examples.

It is definitely true that in today’s world mental illnesses are more accepted than before, but they are still not so much understood. On a context that I needed understanding, he simply said, if somebody didn’t have hands and legs, would you expect them to jog with you or give you a handshake? No, you wouldn’t.

Then it hit me. What he was really trying to say was- just because somebody has a mental illness and the decapacitation is not visible to the eye does not change the fact that there is decapacitation. With that single revelation my whole perception altered, and I am sure many of yours can too. I
f you hear or know of someone who is in depression or diagnosed with mental disorders of any kind, could you remember this the next time- that just because you cannot see it physically does not change the fact that the person in front of you is decapacitated in some way.

Aura Cleansing With Help of Mentoring Maybe that would make ALL the difference in how you handle any given situation, just like how it made a difference to me.With just a simple realisation as this, any resentment I held on mentally for situations and people and such not aligning simply dissolved, and it is like a heaviness that had seeded like a worm has gone away.
Aura cleansing, yeah. Grateful? A million times over. Unexpected? Totally. Thrilled? Mind blown. Mentoring? A must.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 31st March 2018.
Sandhya Nagaraj
Sandhya Nagaraj is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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