Hotmail’s Hottest Facts [INFOGRAPHIC]

When you think about how useful certain tools on the web are: One tool definitely comes to mind; webmail. Webmail has done for personal communications what planes have done for tavel. It’s sites like www hotmail com that have spurred the adoption of webmail by the masses.

In fact: Hotmail’s approach as a free webmail service gained traction with the masses so fast that it actually grew faster than any media company in history to precede it. Guess who took notice in 1997 of this webmail start-up? If you guessed Microsoft, then you’re correct. Microsoft acquired Hotmail for the staggering amount of $400 million dollars that very year.Think about it: The founders were thinking of names to call the service when eventually they hit upon an idea. They opted to call the service HoTMaiL as it contained all the letters of HTML inside its name. That’s pretty clever thinking right there.

Here are even more facts & features to using Hotmail right here for you to enjoy:Hotmail’s Hottest Facts [INFOGRAPHIC]

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