Inspiration Corner
A collection of write-ups from experiences of life that inspire, empower, influence & trigger positive values, habits & mindsets.


6 Ann Landers Quotes That Will Help You To Recognize Every Opportunity Around

Quotes have the depth of oceans, vastness of skies & package of Unlimited Inspiration in them. They wire us with momentary strength at times & Lifetime Inspiration at other times. iUeMagazine is happy to compile this dose of huge motivation via quotes by carefully hand picking these POWER Quotes for you. Read & Share.
Eppie Lederer would eventually come to be known across the globe as Ann Landers via her advice column in the Chicago Sun-Times. Known for her wisecracking yet straightforward advice, Landers' column went into syndication in more than a thousand newspapers. Here are some of her inspiring quotes that will help you lead your life in the best way possible

1. “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them.”

Ann Landers Quotes To Recognize Every Opportunity Around

2. “Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and repeat to yourself, the most comforting words of all; this, too, shall pass.”

Ann Landers Quotes To Recognize Every Opportunity Around

3. “Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ahead, that is where your future lies.”

Ann Landers Quotes To Recognize Every Opportunity Around

4. “The Lord gave us two ends - one to sit on and the other to think with. Success depends on which one we use the most.”

Ann Landers Quotes To Recognize Every Opportunity Around

5. “When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate.”

Ann Landers Quotes To Recognize Every Opportunity Around

6. “Know when to tune out, if you listen to too much advice you may wind up making other peoples mistakes.”

Ann Landers Quotes To Recognize Every Opportunity Around

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 25th June 2017.
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