Inspiring Stories
A collection of personal Interviews with celebrated leaders, entrepreneurs, corporate honchos or any success stories.


An interaction with Mr. S Mohan Rao - A Man of discipline and integrity.

The Ex-Chief Risk Officer Of Wipro Worldwide who is currently working with "The Association Of People With Disability" to contribute his bit for the disabled people shares his time with iU eMagazine. The journey of his life has too many lessons to take away, which his book Reflections does justice to, but this piece here would leave you inspired to certainly learn more about him and take-away a truly remarkable story to follow. Read ON!
It is not everyday that we run into people whose humility outshines their brilliance- brilliance which is pretty evident from the wit and vigour they communicate their life story; brilliance which is pretty evident from the diverse roles they have played across four decades, brilliance which is self spoken for- for the responsibilities that have been shouldered by them. It is not everyday that we run into people whose values have been the underlying factor for the decisions they have taken at each turn in their life, who has assimilated values to make it a way of life.
In a world where money is everything, it is refreshing to meet those who live by value systems which sometimes may seemingly bring loss- while it really does not. It is indeed not everyday that we have the good fortune of meeting people who have used the fortune that has kept smiling at them not just for the benefit of their family, but also for so many lives around them in ways that those lives can never forget. The 14th of April, 2018- when I sat across Mr. Mohan Rao for a meeting, was one such day for me.

A mechanical engineer with post-graduate degrees in industrial engineering and financial management, whose roles and responsibilities involved diverse facets from facility management to being an Ombudsman(guardian of the core values of the organisation) to holding the position of Chief Risk Officer at an IT service sector giant called Wipro Ltd. which is present across 60 countries today to currently being a trustee at The Association of People with Disabilities - describes aspects of leadership and lessons of life in the name of “Reflections” of his life, which is also the name of his first book, which is out in publication since about a month now.

To somebody who can learn and understand from visionary leaders around him from the likes of Azim Premji (in Premji’s early years of building enterprises) and the corporate world, to someone who can watch and learn from Mr. Azim Premji across situations (be it from making a habit of switching lights off at home, or learning the importance of being crystal clear on the core values of an organisation) can only be the one who becomes an intrapreneur that the corporate world needs, and for somebody who can make these principles a way of life are the people who are role models needed for the world, and for someone who says striking work life balance is the goal are the people needed to turn this chaotic world into a sane enterprise. If one can make both the personal and professional spheres more about value systems and build around it as a way of life, then the development on the personal sector shall reflect on the professional part and that in the professional sector shall reflect in the personal part, then it can make them an omnipresent personality of a nature and a kind that shall reflect only one thing in all their reflections- that it is a story of an exemplary life.

Somebody said to Mr. Mohan S Rao that he is the “Chief Luck Officer” - it seems so right because if risk begets luck, then he being the Chief Risk Officer rightly begets him the title Chief Luck Officer. And he has been pretty lucky for the organisation as well.

His journey with The Association of People with Disabilities

He speaks about his time with APD- where he is a trustee, and has served has Treasurer for a while. His eyes light up when he says to us, “You should visit APD sometime- you could get to see how it is for these students to get into a bus to get back home. What is usually a two to three minute activity for kids with no disability, takes about eight to ten minutes for these kids- to board a bus. Just seeing this simple activity can move you, it will make you realise how blessed you are.”

Nothing more needs to be said, I believe- for hidden in the small statements as above are gems that no big words can convey.

The Journaling bug, that led to his book- “Reflections”

Mohan S Rao Reflections For somebody who has journaled for EVERY single day of his life for the past thirty eight years, he did not come across as a military disciplinarian- but I guess looks can be deceiving! And yes, you read that right- not a single day has gone by when he hasn’t journaled, and that pretty much radiates the nerve of discipline that he has.
He breathes journaling, and stands as a testimony to the various benefits associated with it. Much stands to be learnt from him about the art of journaling- and the discipline that it takes to make journaling a habit, and a way of life!

“Thirty eight years of journaling has resulted in a whole lot of diaries at home, and alongside has given a whole lot of data points”, he says. The plain way he says it makes it seem so matter of fact, as if it were so simple and anyone who took up such a task could achieve it.

The air of humility which underlines and bolds every achievement of his is something that no amount of pride could come close to highlight- which only reflects in Mr. Ashok Soota’s testimony for the book “Reflections” quoted as is - “Reflections” by S Mohan Rao is a book which captures a life lived with integrity, with purpose and with caring. In effect, a life lived well”. Here’s to a man of great discipline and a few words.
The grand takeaway of this interaction for me perhaps was about staying humble no matter the heights we achieve, being disciplined and sticking to values- the crux of life!

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 15th May 2018.
Sandhya Nagaraj
Sandhya Nagaraj is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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