into your Business/Organisation at the earliest
So here is a Short Presentation:

Your Body And Your Health Deserve Your Attention

If the health problems are so prevalent, let us look at the common health problems that we face and what could a possible solution for the same:
1. Thyroid Issues:
The thyroid gland in our body is a small butterfly-shaped gland situated in the neck above the collar bones. It performs the vital function of controlling the process of metabolism through hormones. The metabolism is the process by which the food we intake is converted to energy. This energy is used for the functioning of systems in the body. The problem occurs when the gland releases too much or too little of the hormones that deregulate the metabolism. It is a slow process and the symptoms may take years to surface. When the metabolism gets deregulated, the person may experience weight gain or weight loss. According to the data, it is a common issue globally and it affects up to 5% of the general population with a further 5% being undiagnosed.
2. Mental Health Issues:
With the fast-paced and stressful lifestyle we have today, our mental health has taken a toll. The most common situations that can cause mental disorders include trauma, financial problems, death of a loved one, divorce, substance abuse, childhood abuse, etc.
Stress, Anxiety, and Depression have become a part of the lives of a lot of people worldwide and the Covid-19 pandemic has only added more of that. According to WHO, nearly 1 billion people suffer from a mental disorder.
3. Lack of sleep:
Studies have proven that there is no substitute for a good sleep for both physical and mental well-being. The lack of sleep affects our immunity, affects cognitive abilities, increases the risk of heart diseases, increases stress, and causes inflammation in the body among other demerits. But, according to data by CDC (Centre for Disease Control, USA), 35% of the adult population doesn’t get enough sleep. This is a disturbing scenario of the rise of stressed people globally.
4. Skin Issues:
Skin issues are one of the most common health problems worldwide. It affects almost one-third of the population globally. Some of the common temporary skin issues include Acne, Contact Dermatitis, Eczema, Rashes, Measles, and Hives while the more scary permanent ones include Psoriasis, Rosacea, and Vitiligo.
5. Heart Diseases:
The rise in the number of people suffering from and losing their lives due to heart diseases is the direct result of the added stress in our lives. According to WHO, an estimated 17.9 Million people lost their lives due to heart diseases in 2019, which makes up to 32% of the global deaths. Out of this, 85% of deaths were due to a Heart attack and stroke. High cholesterol, lack of physical exercise, Diabetes, and High Blood Pressure are among the primary causes of heart diseases in people. Our unhealthy lifestyle and stress in our lives are to be blamed for this.
6. Joint Pains:
According to the statistics, 68% of the population suffers from Joint pains after the age of 35. The figure increases to 73% in the case of women. Data suggests that more than 350 Million people suffer from Arthritis globally. Unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise of joints can be the primary factors in youngsters and is temporary; while the serious ones include Joint pains from conditions like Arthritis, Gout, Infections, Fibromyalgia, etc. that cause joint pains in the elders.
7. Hair Loss:
The Hair Loss statistics vary in men and women, The statistics show that men are more susceptible to hair loss at a young age compared to women. According to the statistics, Men can experience hair loss as early as the age of 21. For Women, 50% of all women start losing their hair by the age of 50. The cause of hair fall can vary from being hereditary to stress, unhealthy eating, lack of sleep, etc.
8. Diabetes:
Data shows that 537 Million people across the world suffer from Diabetes and 6.7 Million deaths are caused because of it. So, if you are suffering from Diabetes you are not alone. Type 2 Diabetes is the most common one people suffer from, it is the result of the body either not producing enough insulin or resisting it. Insulin is a vital component that helps break down the sugar in the blood. Less insulin causes the sugar in the blood to rise resulting in the condition called Diabetes.
Some of the factors that can cause Diabetes include excess weight or obesity, family history, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, etc.
9. Liver Problems:
The liver is a pivotal organ in our body. Regulating the chemicals in the blood, blood purification, creating nutrients, and more than 500 such functions are performed by the Liver. Liver diseases account for approx. 2 Million deaths worldwide. Liver cirrhosis, Hepatitis, and Fatty Liver Disease are some of the common Liver Cancer that affects people. Obesity, heavy alcohol consumption, Type 2 Diabetes, and Infections are the common causes of Liver problems.
What should you do if you suffer from any of the above conditions?
Well, first visit a physician to ascertain the level of health risk from the disease. You can then go for the prescribed medicines. Alternatives medicines have taken the world by storm. If you are looking for a natural alternative or medicines that can help you prevent these diseases, you must check out the products by Nutriopack.

1. Ashwagandha and Black Pepper powder:
- It helps reduce stress
- Supports immune system
- Enhances your mood & Energy
2. Pure Turmeric:
- Supports anti-aging
- Promotes Heart Health
- Health maintain Healthy Joints
- Helps prevent Cancer
3. Blood Sugar Ultra Support:
- Reduces Blood Sugar
- Balances Blood Sugar Levels
- Lowers Bad Cholesterol
- Reverses Insulin Resistance
4. Liver Detox:
- Assists Liver Detox
- Supports Fat Metabolism
- Assists Digestive Enzymes
A healthy lifestyle is a must if you want to stay away from diseases. Regular Exercise and a healthy diet coupled with natural products like Ashwagandha & Turmeric will boost your health. If you are suffering from Diabetes or a Liver disease, the Blood Sugar Support and Liver Detox formulas from Nutriopack are for you.
At iU Online Media, we are inspired by these products and the vision of Nutriopack "Feel the difference for a Healthier You".
Life is once, Let’s stay healthy! We wish you a healthy life!
Image Credits:
Image 1: Photo by Miriam Alonso
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