History has been full of people who have walked the earth at different times but yet chose to be mutli-discplinary in every way. These amazing people inspire all of us to not zero down ourselves into one or two skillsets rather become a combination of several of them.
It is not enough in today’s times to just possess one skill set and expect to have a great fulfilling life. It’s important that we dream bigger and dreaming big today doesn’t mean just grander bank balance it means greater personal mastery and self development that allows you to find your full potential.
Here are 10 Indian legends who mastered several disciplines and made them look easy. Remember the next set of people who make history won’t just be freedom fighters, or entrepreneurs, they will be the multi-disciplinary people like the following. Read ON!

Aryabhata (Mathematician, Astronomer):
A pioneer in mathematics and astronomy, Aryabhata introduced the concept of zero, calculated the value of pi with remarkable accuracy, and proposed that the Earth rotates on its axis, centuries before Copernicus.
Sushruta (Physician, Surgeon):
Known as the “father of surgery,” Sushruta authored the Sushruta Samhita, a comprehensive text on ancient surgery. He performed complex surgeries like cataract removal and plastic surgery, and his detailed descriptions of surgical instruments and procedures are still studied today.
Varahamihira (Astronomer, Mathematician, Scholar):
A polymath of the 6th century, Varahamihira made significant contributions to astronomy, mathematics, and astrology. His magnum opus, the Brihat Samhita, covers a wide range of subjects, including geography, architecture, and meteorology.
Nagarjuna (Philosopher, Alchemist):
A key figure in Mahayana Buddhism, Nagarjuna developed the philosophy of Madhyamaka, which emphasizes emptiness and relativity. He was also an accomplished alchemist and is credited with advancements in metallurgy and medicine.
Bhaskara II (Mathematician, Astronomer):
A 12th-century mathematician and astronomer, Bhaskara II wrote the Siddhanta Shiromani, a comprehensive treatise on mathematics and astronomy. He made significant contributions to calculus, algebra, and trigonometry.
Raja Raja Chola I (Emperor, Naval Architect, Administrator):
The powerful Chola emperor was not only a brilliant military strategist and administrator but also a patron of art and architecture. His reign saw the construction of the magnificent Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur, a testament to his architectural vision and engineering prowess. He also possessed a strong navy and expanded Chola influence overseas.
Akbar (Emperor, Administrator, Patron of Arts):
The Mughal emperor Akbar was known for his religious tolerance, administrative reforms, and patronage of art, literature, and music. He fostered a vibrant cultural environment at his court, attracting scholars, artists, and musicians from all over the world.
Tipu Sultan (Ruler, Military Strategist, Innovator):
The ruler of Mysore, Tipu Sultan, was a formidable military strategist who resisted British expansion in India. He was also an innovator, introducing new military technologies, including rockets, and promoting trade and agriculture.
Rabindranath Tagore (Poet, Writer, Philosopher, Painter):
A Nobel laureate in Literature, Tagore was a multifaceted genius who excelled in poetry, prose, drama, philosophy, and painting. His works explored themes of spirituality, humanism, and nationalism, and his influence on Indian culture is immeasurable.
Homi J. Bhabha (Physicist, Architect of Indian Nuclear Program):
Known as the “father of the Indian nuclear program,” Bhabha was a brilliant physicist who played a key role in the development of nuclear energy in India. He was also a visionary leader and institution builder, establishing important research institutions like the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.
These individuals, like Leonardo da Vinci or Michaelangelo, embodied a spirit of inquiry and a thirst for knowledge that transcended disciplinary boundaries. Their contributions continue to inspire and shape our world today. Are you inspired enough to take on this Life PURPOSE for yourself?
Image Credits: Hemateja, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons