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So here is a Short Presentation:

How to Write a Poetry Review?

What Does a Review Consist of?
The review should contain a number of mandatory elements, and above all, this refers to its completely unambiguous structure. At a minimum, we are talking about the presence of an introduction, content, and conclusion. If you still doubt that you can write a quality review yourself, then contact the essay writing service, where professionals will help you with topics to write about. Also, each of the above points assumes division into sublevels. Let's try to compose the most logical version of the structure of a review.
1. Introduction:
a. intrigue - a part of the text that interests the reader,
b. announcement of the work in question,
c. information about the author.
2. Contents (central part):
a. what makes this work stand out?
b. characteristics of important parameters of the work (versatility, the author's sense of humor, stylistic features, recording quality, and so on),
c. positive and negative sides (in this paragraph it is always allowed to admit some subjectivity).
3. Conclusion:
a. generalization and analysis of the arguments expressed,
b. delivery of a verdict,
c. some meaningful conclusions.

Review Principles
The impulse for creating a review is always the need to express your attitude to what you read, this is an attempt to understand your impressions caused by the work, but on the basis of elementary knowledge in the theory of literature, a detailed analysis of the work.
The reader may say “like it or not like it” about a book or movie they have read without proof. But the reviewer must carefully substantiate his/her opinion with a deep and well-reasoned analysis. The quality of the analysis depends on the theoretical and professional training of the reviewer, his/her depth of understanding of the subject, the ability to analyze objectively.
The relationship between the reviewer and the author is a creative dialogue with an equal position of the parties.
The author's "I" appears openly in order to rationally, logically, and emotionally influence the reader. Therefore, the reviewer uses language tools that combine the functions of naming and evaluation, book and colloquial words, and constructions.
Criticism does not study literature but judges it - in order to form the reader's, public attitude towards certain writers, to actively influence the course of the literary process.
What is Important to Remember When Writing a Review?
It is important to evaluate the style, originality of the writer, to disassemble the images, artistic techniques that he/she uses in his/her work, and to think about what his/her individual, unique style is, how this author differs from others. The reviewer examines the "how was done" the text. A university review should be written as if no one on the examination committee was familiar with the work being reviewed. It is necessary to assume what questions this person may ask, and try to prepare the answers to them in the text in advance.

Do Not Forget to Draw an Associative Array
Everything is learned in comparison, and if poetry has revived familiar plots in memory, then it can be very interesting. At the same time, it is much more interesting to compare not based on "better or worse", but to find common and different things in them. If the poetry has evoked associations with a piece of music, a book, or a painting, do not forget to mention it.
Compare Reviewed Poetry with other Works of the Author
If you've read not only the reviewed poetry but other works of the writer, try to compare them. Determine if it is typical for this author. Or is he trying himself in a new way? Ask yourself if this poetry made you look differently at things you've already read. And, in the end, say did you like it more or less than other works.
What to do with a Written Review?
Well, first of all, you should take it to the professor. If the review is very good, then you can try to make money on it. I must say right away that at first, it will hardly be possible to monetize it.Firstly, literary criticism is a difficult profession, and secondly, there are millions of such specialists, and only a few can earn money. Don't count on peer review as your main source of income. This activity can be an additional part-time job for a journalist, editor, student. For example, I earn money by copywriting, and I rarely write reviews and more for personal pleasure. And I do it, if poetry strongly, strongly hooks me, which happens extremely rarely. You can try to send a review to the competition. Even if you do not succeed in winning financially, at least practice writing to the point and quickly. Finally, if nothing came out on the first try, don't despair. Writing reviews is not easy at all. The experience will come with time.
Well, we helped you as much as we could, now everything is in your hands, literally. Good luck with writing your review!
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