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Growing high in the corporate ladder - is it all that matters?

Growing high in the corporate ladder - is it all t
In this busy world, when people are chasing power, prestige, and more importantly, money, they fail to understand that these parameters are controlling their lives and their mindsets. Power, prestige, money have taken control over us. We, human beings are so easy to handle that these material terms rule over us.

Meeting young people from different backgrounds and different qualifications along with those who are working in various corporate firms, I have always seen people misappropriating growth in corporate ladder to be growth of career and growth of life. Growing high in a corporate ladder is many times miss-appropriated to be growth in life. Most of the students' career objective in their resumes is “To seek a challenging position and be a part of a progressive organization, to constantly enhance my knowledge and build more competencies and skills, where performance is rewarded with new responsibilities.” Yes it is a good one but, is this the one that you had dreamt of from childhood? Would this even matter once we enter a company? Climbing a level higher, getting promotion, hike in a salary and leading a group of people, all these can happen once in a year and if you are a person who is satisfied with this, then you are using your potential to grow just once in a year. Indeed, for me this kind of growth in life cannot be even considered as G – GROWTH! Because, potential is unlimited and we limit it to just once in a year.
This kind of growth lacks all the aspects of growth. It’s indeed a false meaning to the word 'growth'. Growth must not only lead you to a level higher; it must lead you to a better level. Growth must not be money, in turn it must be wealth; Growth must not be a position, it indeed must be to thrive to earn a position. Growth must not be to use the same opportunity, growth must be to unleash a new opportunity. Growth is just not another responsibility, growth is to become more responsible. Growth is not a timely process; it must be an everyday challenge. Growth is not something that happens once every fortnight, growth is that which is rewarded once every fortnight. Growth is not prestige, it’s the respect that comes with one's working ability; Growth is just not to lead people, it’s to lead the work and help them do it more better; Growth is not when we grow alone, growth is when we know we were the reason and our growth was the reason to make lakhs of people grow ahead not only in their work but even in their journey of life.

Now, tell me if there is any corporate ladder that amounts to this kind of growth? More than 3/4th of the population in the world assumes it to be growth! My only concern was to tell the fact that growth is not when we grow from 2 wheeler to 4 wheeler, growth is when we know how better we did when we had a 2 wheeler and how best the things can be done when we have a four wheeler. Life is what we make it. Every person owns his definitions and meanings of words. So, define it better and wiser. Work not to define your position. In turn, your work in that position should define the position! That is when you travel towards the adventurous journey of life; you discover yourself by unleashing the true potential in you!!!

Thus, let not a level higher in the corporate ladder define your growth; let that be just a parameter what an ordinary individual can do. You, as an extra ordinary common man should do something which even such defined parameters shall fall too small to tell about what you are!!!

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 10th April 2015.
Jeevitha DM
Jeevitha DM is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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