Inspiring Stories
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Dr. Chenraj Jain - The Serial Entrepreneur & The Visionary

"How can one person do so many things?" is the question you ask yourself when you meet Dr Chenraj Jain, an otherwise extremely down to earth personality, who leaves you in awe for everything that he believes, does and has achieved.
Dr. Chenraj Roychand Jain is an excellent entrepreneur and the founder and Chairman of Jain Group of Institutions. He is a man of great conviction and exuberant vision. The journey of his life has inspired many. His effort to build quality education has been a motivation for many. From a humble beginning to building one of the finest institutions, he has gone through a transition that remains an example to many souls. Here is an exclusive interview of the man of many works.
Story covered by Spoorthi and Aditi
dr.chenraj jain,entrepreneur
Did you always want to be an entrepreneur?

Yes, I was very clear and always wanted to be a businessman. I didn't study. I wanted to work. My interest was to become an entrepreneur. I always had the craving for business.

What was your motivation behind starting Jain Group of Institutions?

Swami Vivekananda's books inspired me and I believe in his philosophy, "Knowledge makes character". Motivation was my country. People weren't getting education properly and my own community wasn't educated. My country was rich and I wondered why it became poor. This thought changed me. Our literacy rates were less. So I decided to educate people. If Gandhi ji could fight for freedom of the country, why shouldn't we also fight to educate people? This idea changed me. Education leads to jobs. People become self-sufficient. They get empowered. I was interested in my country becoming an economic power. The whole idea was to bring out more entrepreneurs who could provide jobs and empower people.

Was the journey difficult and how did you keep walking?

Everything is difficult but you should never give up. You will fall down a million times and get up once. Keep doing it. It takes 20-30 years of efforts. Things do not happen over-night. Entrepreneurship is efforts, risk and uncertainty. So, live in uncertainty and that is what I did.

How does one be constantly motivated and energized?

Whenever you are depressed or feeling low, become positive. Keep yourself motivated. When you become positive others will also become positive. So, be contagious. Energy is God's given gift, a divine gift. So don't flitter that. Don't waste it. Smile and make others smile. When you spread energy, people become vibrant. It should spread like a disease. So spread vibrancy.

How do we treat discouragements and criticisms?

Don't underestimate yourself. Each person is uniquely gifted. Believe in yourself. Remove the unwanted layers in you. Take criticism positively. If you don't get discouraged or criticized, you don't learn anything. Stop blaming the world. The world is good. You should be good. If you get angry, it doesn't benefit anybody. Develop good relationship. Always respect your parents, elders, teachers and the country. They may not be up to the mark but take the good in them. There's nothing right or wrong, it's all in perceptions. Be clear and believe in yourself. Then people will believe you and automatically self-image happens.

What is your comment on success?

It takes 30 years of journey to realize success. Some may succeed early and some late. The more the foundation is strong the more is the visibility and more is the stability of the building. Success is similar to this. Success is not money, suc-cess is you as personality. Succeed for permanency and not for temporary gratification.

What do you have to say to young entrepreneurs?
Take risk in life. Dream big but start small. Fifteen years of hard work and then you grow big. So if you are prepared for this journey, then become an entrepreneur. Take one step at a time. The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step, remember this! Make things happen than see it happen. Be observant about what is happening around you. Master whatever you are good at.
Your opinion on today's youth?

They are capable, intelligent, strong, creative, very informative and highly ener-getic but have no patience. They want results fast. Law of nature does not give fast results. You have to sow the seed and wait. It is a process. It they develop one word called patience, they are any day better than yesteryears.

What do you think about Indian universities in comparison to foreign universities?

Foreign universities are 300-400 years old and India is just 65 years old. Another 200 years and India will also have ten Harvards. The average life of Indian universities has not even crossed 30-40 years. So it takes time and the youth will do it. Education improves, quality builds and change happens.

A lot of skill based education is coming up. What is the need of vocational courses in India?

India requires vocational courses. Only 2% are vocationally equipped. Good job-oriented courses are required. Specialization brings skills, responsibility and expertise. Skill-based education is important as youth will be able to perform better and thus motivate better.

What is your opinion on women entrepreneurs?

Women are now taking the centre stage. There are lots of business schools en-couraging them. The participation should be equal to that of men as in developed countries. Women do better in jobs as they can manage better. They should enter services sector. They are already ahead academically. Women have future in business. It's the right time, right scenario and right place, so capitalize on it.

What is your message to students?

Keep life simple, don't complicate. Have proper and clear goals. Work hard and work smartly. Do not give up. Remain focused. Wait for success, it will eventually happen.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on July 2013.

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