Inspiration Corner
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Simple steps to be happy

In today's stressful world, all we need is happiness. The way modern world is changing and controlling our life, we somehow lose ourselves. We look alive but every day we just are passing out and slowly killing our inner zing. It is easy to live than to pass out and we can achieve if we can control three major things of our lives.

Zing of life is like a small kid in your body, if you feed it, it lives and if you do not, it dies and if you can keep it alive you become happy. Targeting these areas in your life can keep you happy for all your life. For these areas are the ones which make up most of your life.

Personal space: Personal space is a broad context. It can refer to what clothes you like to wear, food you like to eat, music you listen, your room. This is a broad context and mainly focuses on things which are related to you directly and are inanimate objects or abstract things you experience in your day to day life and your way of living. In order to keep yourself happy, never compromise on these small things. Eat what you love, listen to the music you like, live your everyday life you always wanted it to be. But remember when you are controlling your personal space do not harm someone else's personal space. This way both will be happy.
simple steps to be happy,life
Partner: One cannot do everything, but one can do something. Many ones can do many things and together we can do everything. So we need partners in life to achieve something we want in life. Partner means your friends, your spouse, your family, your teachers, guide and all those people who you want to be part of your life and your mission. Never choose partners who make you compromise or those who make you feel uncomfortable of the one who is killing your inner 'zing'. In these conditions just leave and move on to the place where you are comfortable and your 'zing' is alive. You have right to choose what you like and equal right to reject what you hate.

Profession: This is what you will do all your life, it makes up 2/3 of your life; this will get you resources to live. If you give up on it, you give up on 2/3 of your life. Do what you love, do what you are expert at and do what appeals to you. Remember what you always wanted to be as a child but you lost it in the process of growing up. It is tough but that journey, no matter how hard, you will take it up easily and will never get tired. If you always did what you always wanted to do, you will always get what you always wanted and you will be forever happy.
Remember, if you do not take control over these areas then someone else will, this will make you sad, terribly sad.

BUT if you synchronize all these areas in your life, you will be forever happy. You zing will become a great adult in future who will not only do for oneself but for things around you.

How to achieve everyday in these areas will come up in further articles. Wait for small packets of happiness.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 22nd July 2014.
Uttam Gupta
Uttam Gupta is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine

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