April 13: 5 POWER Lessons From 5 Leaders Who Made History On This DAY!

1. “Nothing can stop you from winning what you want, with a positive attitude.”

The ultimate trust which you got to build and the hope which you got to hold would lead you into the path that takes you to success. But remember that, the de-catalyzing agents, hindrances and negative vibes which you come across will do no harm as the strong attitude and stable mindset will dominate and chase all the negatives. Fortune favors the brave! The willpower and ability to withstand your weaknesses would create a way to enable your share of success to reach you. The almighty shall shower energy pills for you to shine, which would further serve as light to illuminate the lives of the others’.

Josephine Elizabeth Butler is one such wonderful lady who sparkled thoroughly through her positive flavored work. The English feminist and social reformer programmed her era by neutralizing the pessimistic and bad waves with optimistic and nourishing ones and stood as an inspiration for the entire world to look upon and follow her footsteps to regulate the deeds of the society. She promoted measures against women's suffrage. Voicing the inner minds of the women who were deprived of the basic fundamental rights such as education, the end of coverture in British law, the abolition of child prostitution, and an end to human trafficking of young women and children, she fought for the betterment of the society.

2. “The attitude of forgiving and the nature of constant desire for projecting your uniqueness leads you in the way of success.”

There is no point in behaving the same to those you criticized you, those who are unkind to you, those who discouraged you, those who underestimated you and those who attempted to filter all your urge, interest and passion to reach where you are destined to. The difference maker is the one who doesn’t reflect what he/she gets but proceeds in the way which enlightens the others’. Grudges and revenges take you nowhere.

Frank Winfield Woolworth, the courageous American entrepreneur was famous for his enterprise named, Five-and-Dimes. The operator of variety stores had made low-priced merchandising a winning tonic to grow high and touch the shy of business. Without fearing of challenges and struggles, he extended his strength to face and chase all the problems and inferiorities. He researched, learnt and made it a point to apply the newer business planning strategies, analysis schemes and techniques to decorate the top position in his respective genre. He incorporated the method of buying products and fixing the selling prices on items, rather than haggling. Being the first to use self-service display cases, he studied and understood the process of trade sales.

3. “World is always beautiful. It is your perception that makes the difference.”

World is just the way it is. Not always do we perceive things in the same way. Every time, we see things, they look different. It is because the psychological thought process and acceptance ability that decides the extent of prettiness that your surroundings is characterized with. The lifeless objects around you remain lifeless until you add life to them and mold them in the way you want to. The style of your attitude attributes the destination of your life.

Phyllis Cerf Wagner appended beauty to her life and so to the entire world to enable the ideologies of joy to cultivate the conductive environment. Moon is always the same, it is the way your eyes receipt the glint of this moon which is different every time. The fact which made her win was her constant mindset to achieve what she really had to. In the mean time, she also focused on what her passion was and integrated her potent mentalities to congregate integrity. American actress, journalist, and children's book publisher co-founded Beginner Books, at 16, she went on to live with his aunt, Lela, in California, he began his professional life by fighting with her weaknesses. It was this time that she was introduced to the Hollywood scene. Her name became the buzzword among the others’. She instilled an idea of framing and winning her life. She started adding her appearance into several movies. She succeeded what she started and formed an example for others to look upon.  

4. “Tell yourself, ‘I am ready to face the ‘next phase’ of my life.”

You got to earn every bit of your successful life. Don’t wait for something or someone to face your problems and shape your life. You are the owner of the victory which you have to bring in to decorate your journey with happiness, satisfaction and contentment. Similarly, never wait for an external force to cheer you up and help you stay motivated. The excitement, open mindedness and the spirit to check out what tomorrow of your life offers you must put in all the sense and winning essence for you to reach where you want to. Your destiny definitely awaits your sincere attempts and continues to wait for you to embrace it.

Alfred Mosher Butts was an American architect, who majorly insisted on hoping for the best and without anticipating the next of his life, he used his courage to multiply his spirit and achieving abilities. His dreams charged him up to live his life to the fullest possible and helped him manage every net of his life. You never know what life gifts you. Your duty is to do your part completely and focus on bettering your life by using skills and real time lessons. Butts, known for his earnestness and diligence, fulfilled the responsibility of an editor of his school yearbook. The member of the school's chess team enabled his try in the field of art supplemented his income by appointing his writing skills.

5. “An optimistic heart finds opportunity in everything while the negative heart finds only faults.”

There is plus and minus in any move you make and any step you take. If you want to win and make complete use of your blessed life to taste success, then you will undoubtedly look for learning opportunities and build your life. Complaining, grieving and not valuing what you’ve got indicates the properties of a pessimist. Choice is what are you? An optimist who wins or a pessimist who give up- choice is purely yours.

There is no separate colony for opportunities, lessons and tools to reside for helping the growing mind. Instead, they are scattered everywhere around- in situations, circumstances, deeds and decisions. The American philanthropist Robert Orville Anderson  founded Atlantic Richfield Oil Co. the businessman ensured that his company did well throughout and stuck to its top sixth place. He extended his prospect to support an array of major cultural organizations, from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art to Harper's Magazine. He pinned interest into elevating his company’s performance and scored remarkable perseverance in acquiring perfection. His continual esteemed learning methodologies made him prove himself as an individual of largest determination. Anderson was an intellect and was considered one of the best aspiring philosophy professors. The member of the Omega chapter of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity, he made his summers productive. (Sources: bbc.co.uk, biography.yourdictionary.com,  anb.org,  wikipedia.org,  nytimes.com)

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