Inspiration from History
A Collection of write-ups that bring the lessons from the legends who walked the earth & events that shaped history.


April 22: 5 POWER Lessons From 5 Leaders Who Made History On This DAY!

Happiness is not enjoying the comforts of life alone; it is about how successful you are in realizing the non-materialistic truth which takes you towards sanctity. Below are a few guidelines to boost you towards the same. Read on!

1. “Ants too build their house with a hope to live there for years together. ‘Hope’ – A necessity to lead a life of happiness and satisfaction!”

Hope is a feed which helps every individual to frame and form his/her life. Hope is the energy that simulates your desire to stagnate a continuous and nonstop progress in your life. Expecting is completely different from hoping. Hope is a very positive wait to welcome something very auspicious which amazes our lives, whereas expectation is a rating which you are going to assign for the upcoming result of what you’ve done. An innocent and an optimistic wait will always found ‘betterment’ which further pushes you to attain the peak of ‘best.’ Never hesitate to plan your life and shape your future. You have just one life, so don’t even think of compromising on the quality of the way of leading your life.

Sir James Frazer Stirling redefined the meaning of hope. He never felt that waiting was a waste of time because he termed ‘wait’ as ‘hope’- meaning, he waited for a sure thing, which would definitely happen. The British architect joined the Black Watch during World War II. Further, he was parachuted behind German enemy lines; he was wounded twice. This indeed proved his effortful deeds. Building his first project- the Langham House Close, he remarkably became a star in the world of architecture. His neoclassical styles got imprinted in modernism, keeping him alive through his work.

2. “Future is hard to be predicted but living the present to the fullest is sure to write your future.”

We all know that nothing can be changed of our past. What we must remember is that, the future is all in our hands. Remember that the key to change, form and shape the future lies in the heart of your present. Live your life and mentor your present for the world to feel your presence while you are in it and even after you depart from it. Every action of yours and every step you take, aren’t just consequences of your thought process but also fertilizers to grow the gardens of your future. Feel your life, sense every minute you live and consciously observe what exactly you are doing in life. This helps you not only analyze your present life but also guides you in fulfilling your future dreams.

Vladimir Lenin led his life completely by living every moment of it with utmost belief. Strongly believing that working hard now would fetch rejoice later, he sprouted as communist revolutionary, politician, and political theorist and focused on creating an evil-free-age. Serving as a head of government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, he promoted a one-party socialist state. He signed his political contributions by developing Leninism. He projected his knowledge to withdraw from war, thereby, empowering his nation with peace. One of the most significant and influential figures, Lenin employed his actions and deeds to lighten the ‘future.’

3. “You don’t have to lose just because you are hurt. Let the pain increase your hunger to achieve.”

Never give up even in the toughest of toughest situations. You are here to find out what your potential is and spread it to the whole world. Your failures may become an opportunity for the world to learn from. Anyone can achieve when everything in life and world is supportive. One can be called great if achievements stream through his/her life while living under unfavorable conditions, unsupportive situations and unnecessary criticism. Growth gets its complete meaning when you drive over the pulling down forces and hindrances. That’s life! It’s one among those things which cannot be changed but has to be accepted to move ahead. If your dreams and aims seem very important to you then wounds should never stop you from doing what you have to.

Rita Levi-Montalcini fed her mind with ‘living to win’ attitude and an undistorted decision not to leave her track irrespective of all that could happen. The Nobel laureate was honored for her work in neurobiology. The inner strength helps the physical strength to multiply. Standing as the definition for the same, she served the Italian Senate as a Senator, for life. Small situations can create a massive impact creating a change in our lives. She dreamt to become a writer but turned towards a medical school as she saw a family-friend die because of cancer. To support her research projects, she set up a laboratory in her room and never felt tired of learning.

4. “A volcano doesn’t wait for an external push to erupt it. The burning lava inside it does it all.”

You must be your own motivator. No one on earth will unconditionally help you. Remember, self-help is the best source of help one can get. You got to motivate yourself, push yourself, compliment yourself, hold yourself high and encourage yourself in order to empower your life. You’ll know when you feel low. Thus, it is your responsibility to charge your mind immediately and prepare your heart to witness a grand opening of your growth and success. If your desire to achieve success is very strong then it transforms into a buzzword which takes over all your thoughts. Therefore, it creates a situation such that you don’t even require an external source for your daily dose of inspiration. The burning passion is what is quintessentially required which ignites your spirit and further designates your life with victories.

Róbert Bárány  hummed the tune of ‘what’s next’ and this enabled him to stick onto his ambition of life. The civilian surgeon constantly reminded himself of all his responsibilities, purposes, aims, dreams and desires; this attitude enabled him to stand strong and face every challenge; it also helped him enrich his thoughts with optimism and positive provocations so that, he would not have a need for any external source to influence him. The otologist received the 1914 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work in the fields of physiology and pathology.

5. “It isn’t about simply existing. It’s about living! You only live once; so why not live it to the fullest?”

There’s nothing great about living life as everyone does. The one who leads his/her life is tagged as an achiever. The way of leading life makes an achiever different from the common. The ordinary can turn into an extraordinary in no time, provided that the difference-bringing factor is appended. Living life is succeeding in completing our span of stay on earth. But, leading life is to live for succeeding and not just succeeding in living. The life of Henri La Fontaine became a lesson for many to mold their life. He, his life and his actions were followed to incorporate his ideas into people’s lives for them to achieve. This is called leading life!

He didn’t just lead his life but many others’ as well. The Belgian international lawyer and president of the International Peace Bureau was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace or his effective leadership roles in the peace movement. The reputed authority on international law advocated women's rights. He played an influential role in congregating important moves towards establishing peace. The member of the Socialist Party had also served as the vice chairman of the Senate. He upgraded the world’s ideas by implementing his ideas of supporting the unification of the world's pacifist organizations. Thoughts to achieve and a wish to succeed would’ve got deep-rooted into your mind and heart after this read. Then what is the wait for? Relish the beauty and satisfaction of life by applying all these eye-opening success formulae, which are conveyed by the lives of the experienced.


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