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Jump, Shout & Bring Campus-Quake - To Transform Yourself

College life is an opportunity for youth to transform themselves into an adventurous, energetic and entrepreneurial being. The opportunity doesn't come on its own - it has to be carved out through a participative and initiative-taking approach. Those who indulge into the hussle-bussle of the college events, end up in polishing themselves into innovative organizers.
My question to the college students is : - Do you visit college or you live the campus life? Are you pushed to college or you breathe the campus life? Do you feel the youthfulness in the campus or get tired by the evening? Academic institutions are the platforms for youth to express their energy, creativity and amazing potential. These institutions enable youth to live their dreams. Never miss any opportunity to contribute to the campus life and get hooked to the youth festivals. You will never again get this opportunity and this freedom and if you encash this opportunity, you will never again be the same person.
Transform Yourself
Institutions are of two types for the students – a place for visit or a place for transformation. You have to decide – one of these as your goal. If you treat institutions as a place for transformation, then the first step has to come from you. Just take the lead and start all those activities, that you are missing. Every event and every student festival should be full of engagement and should reflect your creative potential.

Jaspreet Singh, Deep Arora and Simardeep were students in LCET Ludhiana. They were doing engineering. However, they were different from their classmates. They wanted to use their institution as a launch pad for becoming the leaders of tomorrow. They wanted academic and industry activities for participation. Since not many workshops were being organized, they themselves took the lead and started organizing workshop for the benefit of their classmates. They underwent complete transformation in the process. Soon they found themselves with plenty of accolades, request letters and appreciations. They found rewards for their efforts in terms of increased demand for their roles. They decided to convert this passion into their business and formed a small company called i3india with their small savings of Rupees fifteen hundred. They booked a domain and started sharing their knowledge, events and learnings on the web-platform. Soon they found a series of opportunities to conduct workshops and events within and outside their campus.  They had organized many TechFests in their own campus, now they got opportunities for outside their institute also.

In 2010, the campus days were over and the trio decided not to take up job and continue their entrepreneurial fervor. They approached different institutions for organizing TechFests and workshops and replicated their success stories. The experience as students helped them in becoming outstanding entrepreneurs. Their own experiences of organizing TechFests enabled them to fill the students with zeal and learning appetite in different institutions.

The initiatives that they took in their college days built a strong resilience in their temperament and attitude, which enabled them to secure attractive projects through constant endeavour. The path of success is built on tenacity, perseverance, sincerity and zealous efforts. Everyone of us has to learn the essentials of success through the lessons of life. It is the encounter with the realities that teach us the minutes recipes of success. The earlier one adapts oneself, the better it would be. The steps of success enable you to fly and reach beyond your imagination. That’s what happened with trio also. They approached police department for conducting training for Cyber Security. They got opportunities to train police executives of almost entire country. They had learnt in college days that innovation requies to think out of box. They had experimented a lot during college TechFests. They had habituated themselves into the moulds of innovations, which enabled them to innovate and re-invest products, processes and technologies. They went on to design many improved products and processes for industries as a part of their R&D and consultancy projects. They proposed IRDA to prepare applications to judge the quality of driving and levy insurance premium on the basis of quality of driving. If their ideas are accepted, the automobiles of the future will have in built applications to evaluate the driving quality and the insurance companies will be using the data of this application for calculating the insurance premiums. Their success has reinforced my belief that the college life builds a strong foundation for an innovative organizer. 

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 7th April 2017.
Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain
Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazin

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