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Personal Protective Equipment: The Importance of PPE

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

When working on a job that poses a ton of health risks and hazards, implementing the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is of utmost importance.
The safety of the workers should be one of the main responsibilities of companies and employers, as stated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) under the Republic Act of 1970.
Workers should be properly trained in regards to wearing the correct equipment to minimize accidents in the workplace.

PPE is equipment that’s used by workers to keep them safe from occupational safety hazards that could cause serious physical injury or disease. Items such as helmets, gloves, goggles, and safety footwear are 
all examples of personal protective equipment. Companies should enforce these standards to protect their workers and provide them with proper training to ensure their safety at all times. For more guide to workplace safety visit Safety Talk Ideas.

Why is PPE important?

Making the workplace safe is one of the primary responsibilities of any company. Safety professionals evaluate the workplace carefully and take necessary steps to control any health risks without the use of equipment. If these hazards cannot be fully controlled, that is where personal protective equipment comes in.

PPE aims to reduce health hazards such as:

  • Breathing in contaminated air from the environment
  • Head injuries caused by falling materials (i.e. when working in construction sites)
  • Skin damage from corrosive liquids, flying sparks, etc.
  • Protection from extreme heat or low temperatures
Safety professionals are always required to run a risk assessment to pinpoint any hazards in the workplace. Typically, personal protective equipment is used in work environments such as:

  • Maintenance jobs, construction sites, shipbuilding, etc.
  • Chemical labs that expose workers to substances that could have adverse health effects
  • Manufacturing where objects or equipment might cause physical injury like cuts and wounds

There are certain limitations when it comes to the use of PPE. Safety professionals as well as the workers themselves must be aware of these limitations to prevent injury and avoid hindering productivity.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Safety hazards:

  • Restricted movement due to the weight of the equipment
  • Reduced vision due to field view limitations
  • Communication difficulties while wearing face protection

Physiological/Psychological stress factors:

  • Risk of dehydration and heat stress from wearing full-on body suits
  • Psychological and physical stress due to the confined nature of full-on body suits

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 18th April 2019.

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