Marishane Youth Hub Reaches Out to Pupils about Anti-Drugs Abuse
On 28 February 2024, the Marishane Youth Hub embarked on an Anti-Drugs Abuse’ campaign for all the high schools in the community attracting approximately 1000 pupils to be taught about the epidemic at the Marishane Sports Complex under the Bopedi Bapedi Technical High School.
“You are the future we’re looking at. We’re already proud of you for attending school, as this very same school has produced global heroes. Please make us proud by making successes of your lives. Whichever profession you decide to take, it matters not as long as you’re happy, but we have high ambitions for you as the future of this community and we as traditional council members are working tirelessly to ensure that you have sufficient resources to reach for your dreams,” remarked Mr. Kgomotshoane Masemola on behalf of the Moroangoato Traditional Council in Ga-Marishane.
“The school we’re in today, Bopedi Bapedi Technical High School, has produced all the professionals in the world who are impacting the world positively. We’re all here today as your brothers, sisters, legal guardians and parents to freely give you as students, the opportunity to directly engage with us. Ask us those difficult questions and we’ll respond. Above all, we are here because we want you to make the right choices in life and about life. Choose education”, remarked the Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality Ward 26 Councillor, Mr. Paul Lethuba.
Students interacted with presenters on various issues such as: how are policies developed, how are laws made, and what kind of drugs are healthy for human consumption and which aren’t? How can young people living in child-headed households prevent themselves from being affected, effected, and impacted by malicious drugs? How can young people help their siblings already affected, effected, and impacted by malicious drug usage and various other questions.
Marishane Youth Hub interim director for safety, security, and liaison Mr. James Mahlase who’s also the Chairperson for Marishane Community Policing Forum addressed all such questions and encouraged students never to be afraid of reporting to him about anything they see wrong happening in the community.
The campaign, motivated by numerous factors such as: the desire to prevent substance abuse especially amongst the youth, which is disproportionately affecting the community due to various aspects like socio-economic challenges, lack of access to resources, and exposure to violence. The campaign educated, empowered, and supported young people to make informed decisions about their lives, resist peer pressure, and build healthier futures for themselves, their families, the community, and their world they live in. They also strived to address the root causes of substance abuse and promote community involvement in creating supportive environments for youth.“I have travelled the world using cars, trains and aeroplanes across countries and continents. During my travels, I always meet with young people like yourselves from different backgrounds, and one thing I always have in common with those young people, is that ‘they’re in education’. They made ‘education’ a lifelong journey. We thus want you, young as you are, to leave anything and everything that has nothing to do with education and make education your highest priority,” concluded Mr. Masenye Masemola from the Marishane Royal Kraal.
The Marishane Youth Hub wishes to acknowledge the following stakeholders for their contributions: The principal of Bopedi Bapedi Technical High School for freely opening the venue and welcoming the event to happen at their school premises, all the high schools in Marishane community for allowing their pupils to attend the event, the Marishane Council of Churches for blessing the event, Rakgoadi Bakery for the provision of refreshments by sponsoring the event, Councillor Paul Lethuba from Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality for acknowledging the existence of the event, the NEBO-Marishane Police Service for their protection, the Marishane Clinic for acknowledging the invitation, the National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa (NEMISA), the National Department of Telecommunications and Digital Technologies South Africa, and the Marishane Royal Kraal for allowing the event to happen in their community.
“You are the future we’re looking at. We’re already proud of you for attending school, as this very same school has produced global heroes. Please make us proud by making successes of your lives. Whichever profession you decide to take, it matters not as long as you’re happy, but we have high ambitions for you as the future of this community and we as traditional council members are working tirelessly to ensure that you have sufficient resources to reach for your dreams,” remarked Mr. Kgomotshoane Masemola on behalf of the Moroangoato Traditional Council in Ga-Marishane.
“The school we’re in today, Bopedi Bapedi Technical High School, has produced all the professionals in the world who are impacting the world positively. We’re all here today as your brothers, sisters, legal guardians and parents to freely give you as students, the opportunity to directly engage with us. Ask us those difficult questions and we’ll respond. Above all, we are here because we want you to make the right choices in life and about life. Choose education”, remarked the Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality Ward 26 Councillor, Mr. Paul Lethuba.
Students interacted with presenters on various issues such as: how are policies developed, how are laws made, and what kind of drugs are healthy for human consumption and which aren’t? How can young people living in child-headed households prevent themselves from being affected, effected, and impacted by malicious drugs? How can young people help their siblings already affected, effected, and impacted by malicious drug usage and various other questions.
Marishane Youth Hub interim director for safety, security, and liaison Mr. James Mahlase who’s also the Chairperson for Marishane Community Policing Forum addressed all such questions and encouraged students never to be afraid of reporting to him about anything they see wrong happening in the community.
The campaign, motivated by numerous factors such as: the desire to prevent substance abuse especially amongst the youth, which is disproportionately affecting the community due to various aspects like socio-economic challenges, lack of access to resources, and exposure to violence. The campaign educated, empowered, and supported young people to make informed decisions about their lives, resist peer pressure, and build healthier futures for themselves, their families, the community, and their world they live in. They also strived to address the root causes of substance abuse and promote community involvement in creating supportive environments for youth.“I have travelled the world using cars, trains and aeroplanes across countries and continents. During my travels, I always meet with young people like yourselves from different backgrounds, and one thing I always have in common with those young people, is that ‘they’re in education’. They made ‘education’ a lifelong journey. We thus want you, young as you are, to leave anything and everything that has nothing to do with education and make education your highest priority,” concluded Mr. Masenye Masemola from the Marishane Royal Kraal.
The Marishane Youth Hub wishes to acknowledge the following stakeholders for their contributions: The principal of Bopedi Bapedi Technical High School for freely opening the venue and welcoming the event to happen at their school premises, all the high schools in Marishane community for allowing their pupils to attend the event, the Marishane Council of Churches for blessing the event, Rakgoadi Bakery for the provision of refreshments by sponsoring the event, Councillor Paul Lethuba from Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality for acknowledging the existence of the event, the NEBO-Marishane Police Service for their protection, the Marishane Clinic for acknowledging the invitation, the National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa (NEMISA), the National Department of Telecommunications and Digital Technologies South Africa, and the Marishane Royal Kraal for allowing the event to happen in their community.
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