Inspiring Stories
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Kim Mutch Emerson


In her words: "I am Kim Mutch Emerson. From my earliest memories I wanted to work with words. I started Master Koda Select Publishing about a year back. I am a small publisher with a big heart. I'm also an author under the name of K.D. Emerson. You can find my books on Amazon. One of the roles I love the most in my life is that of a teacher and mentor to writers looking to perfect their craft and publish their work.."
kim mutch emerson,social media
Throw some light on your journey of life

My journey is not half as exciting as my novel. I can't fight a polar bear or make my mind connect to a submarine's computer system. I have never swung from a vine in the jungle or had a monkey save my life, but I do have one thing in common with my novel and that is I have experience in mind control and know it is real. I know that as humans we have a responsibility to start breaking free from the chains that bind us and embrace freedom. My journey in life is to help others learn how to do the same.

What is the medium that you have opted to mentor authors?

I teach online writing courses to assist writers in polishing their craft. I also host online writing conferences where people can learn online marketing, social media, website basics, cover design, how to find book reviewers, and other important information to be successful as an author in today's world.

What were the difficulties that you had to face while establishing this publishing house?

I have been a business owner all my life, but the publishing business had many components I needed to address that were new to me. It's been exciting and character building. I can see why many people who work in this industry turn sour and even hateful. I am grateful for the growth it has offered me and I am happy to report that I've been able to hold onto my positive attitude.

Being an entrepreneur, how do you balance your personal and professional life?

It's a challenge at times and there are times when I am not successful in balanc-ing, but I do find that if I don't set aside time for myself and my family, I burn out and nothing gets done. I think it's important to set a schedule and stick to it. Time off is equally important to work. Without a schedule it is too easy to waste time or work so hard that you drop.
According to you, who is a successful writer?

To me, success as a writer isn't measured by how many books one sells or how famous s/he is. A successful writer is one who can create a deeper feeling or thought process in the reader, no matter what the genre is. I personally have a passion to create books for the upcoming generation and those who will be the future leaders of the world. I feel those who write for teens and young adults carry a huge responsibility to help these young people become deep thinkers so that they can impact the future in a positive way. This is what I hope I have done in my book Digitus 233. Two authors that come to my mind who have been successful in doing this are Chris Crutcher and Robert Cormier.

As an author, what inspires you the most? Who is your inspiration?

What inspires me the most is when I see young people stepping out to stand up for what they believe or stand up for someone weaker than themselves. It also inspires me when others achieve their goals and dreams against all odds.

What kind of writers approach you for guidance and even publishing? Do you encourage amateur writers as well by publishing their books? How do you help them?

I have writers from all walks of life come to me for assistance; from beginner to published authors of many novels. I encourage those just starting out to study their craft before submitting their work for publication. It's a rough industry and people need to toughen their skin before putting their work in the public domain. As far as what I do to assist others, that's a long list, but some of my services are offering coaching and classes in novel writing, marketing and promotional services, publishing and mentoring.
Before approaching a publisher, what are the things that an author should keep in mind?

Before submitting a manuscript to a publisher a writer should have studied his/her craft and become the best writer s/he possibly can. Writers should write from their heart, write what they love. After having written their best possible manuscript they should get it edited by a professional (the best that they can af-ford). They should always be professional in communication and thoughtful of the publisher's time. One should be short and to the point in the cover letter and synopsis and follow the publisher's submission guidelines.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on August 2013.

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