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Vijaya Reddy - Founder of 'She Cabs' - For her by her

She cabs, a unit of She Help Foundation at Hyderabad, is providing safe travel cabs with high security for women. These cabs are completely driven by women drivers (Pilot) and are completely for women passengers to travel in Hyderabad. "Our drivers (Pilots) are highly qualified and well-mannered and we also teach some basic martial arts to our drivers for the safety of our passengers. We provide high level safety and security for our travelers as a promise," says Mrs. Vijaya Reddy, the founder of She Cabs.

These cabs are fully loaded with security systems like GPS and others, providing luxurious, comfortable and safe travel at a very affordable price. Also they assure a time promise for the travelers without causing inconvenience to them.

Women in the wildest of their imaginations wouldn't come up with the thought of them becoming taxi drivers while the concept of She help foundation has a fully devout pink clad women driving the She Cabs.

vijaya reddy,she help foundation,cabs for women
"Even in a licensed cab, there is often a doubt at the back of any female passenger's mind: 'Will I get home safe?' while the vast majority of male taxi drivers are generally safe," says Vijaya. With women simply feeling less vulnerable with female drivers, various organizations have set up female cab services across the country. Now joining this huge bandwagon of female taxi cab services is She Help foundation unit - She Cabs.

Vijaya Reddy, a post graduate and a She Cab pilot and Managing Director shares that, "Someone has to come forward to be a woman pilot. I am happy that I took this step. I am hoping that this would inspire many women to step forward." Ever since the word of mouth spread out she has been receiving calls from women who express their interest. "We are ready to train them as well," she says. "It is by the women and for the women," concludes Mrs. Vijaya Reddy.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 30th August 2014.
IJ Anita Tejwani
IJ Anita Tejwani is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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