War and Peace

War brings not only myriads of deaths,
But weakens the family,
Weakens the economy,
Weakens the society
Weakens the trust between the two nations

It is not a good idea to disturb
The peace of millions of people,
Just for the sake of a piece of land,
Just for the sake of expansion of reign,
Just for the sake of expansion of ego,
And how is this expansion possible?
War and Peace
Possible only through the terrorism,
Possible only through the force
And exploitation of the masses,
Possible only through bloodshed,
Possible only through walking over the corpses,
Possible only through the carnage or massacre
What is the use of such expansion?

Even if they get a chunk of the land
Can they get peace?
Can one live peacefully in that house where
Streams of blood were flowing?

War is never a solution,
Peace is the solution
Peace is the need of the hour
Peace creates a power and poise
Peace does not have any boundary
Extend or expand peace everywhere
As it is the real expansion

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Lokendra Singh
Lokendra Singh is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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