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Asia Pacific Smart Cities Forum

At this moment you are living in a world with an estimated population of 7.4 billion people. However, many scientists believe the Earth could sustainably support only about 10 billion people. How do you see yourself within the basic arithmetic of the world population?
Asia Pacific Smart Cities Forum
Get insights from experts on visions for a sustainable and viable future at the Asia Pacific Smart Cities Forum happening on the 27th until 28th September 2016. Organized by Fleming, this two-day event is set to bring together experts of the Smart City industry from across the globe on one platform.

This forum will present proven strategies, cutting-edge technologies and real-world solutions for innovators who need to envision and realize the Smart Cities concept. Stakeholders will have an opportunity to see, hear and experience the next wave of innovative, integrated technologies that are already helping cities around the world become more compassionate, connected and sustainable.

4 reasons why you should be excited to attend this forum: 

1. Access new ideas and inspiration

Receive exciting perspectives and insights from Amsterdam Smart City Senior Strategy Advisor Frans-Anton Vermast; New Zealand Transport Agency Advisor Darren Baars; Barcelona City Council Chief Architect, Vicente Guallart and more. Don't miss the exciting opportunities to hear from these renowned national experts and return home with valuable takeaways to apply to your workplace.

2. Build your network with peers

This Forum provides a perfect opportunity to network and meet with fellow smart city-active and engaged professionals. Often competitors from other regions of the country can become valuable resources for referrals and best practices. Avoiding peers for fear of others discovering your competitive advantage can actually limit your own success. Collaboration is the way to approach networking. While there are those whose intentions can be suspect, most people can help each other uncover ideas and spark inspiration when they get to know each other on a personal level.

3. Sharpen your skills

There is an abundance of online resources to help you gain extra knowledge in a certain subject. But at this forum, sessions will be diving into much greater, relevant detail. The event also includes break-out sessions and case studies that will allow you to put ideas to the test.

 4. Have fun

Being in business should be rewarding and fun. All work and no play can get old fast. The Asia Pacific Smart Cities conference adds a layer of enjoyment to managing your career growth by mixing a social aspect into your learning and industry branding efforts. Never underestimate the power of a little fun mixed with some interesting people!

List of confirmed expert speakers:

- Minister of Science, Technology & Innovation, MOSTI
- Chairman, Local Government, Traffic Management & Flood mitigation, Penang State Governmnet
- Chief Executive Officer, Greater China Sustainable Development Council
- Chief Executive Officer, CyberSecurity
- Chief Digital Ecosystem, Communications & Multimedia Commission
- Chief Strategy Officer, Tenaga Nasional Berhad
- Chief Architect, Barcelona City Council
- Chief Marketing Officer, Intelsec Sdn Bhd (Telekom Malaysia) Program Director, Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT)
- Director of Sustainable Development, Putrajaya Holdings
- Advisor, New Zealand Transport Agency
- Head of Planning & Compliance, Iskandar Regional Development Authority, Malaysia
- Senior Strategy Advisor, Amsterdam Smart City
- Commercialisation Specialist, PlatCOM Ventures Sdn Bhd
- Senior Advisor, Chang Mai City

Key focus area of Asia Pacific Smart Cities Forum: 

  • Wireless networks and network infrastructure
  • Sustainability and the green buildings framework
  • Smart homes, Smart villages, Smart buildings and infrastructures
  • Smart education
  • Role of ICT in the infrastructure of the future cities, digital media and communications
  • Smart energy – Smart grids, Smart metering and energy efficiency
  • Regulatory and policy framework for Smart Cities
  • Smart Health system and infrastructure development
  • The role of telecommunications in a Smart City
  • Smart mobility and transportation
  • Data protection and privacy
  • Data, Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT)
Join us this September and build the city of the future, today.

For more information about the forum, please visit the website HERE or contact Ana Rahman at or +60322725352

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 11th August 2016.

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