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If You Get Injured While in Vegas

Las Vegas Injury Issues Las Vegas is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Many people who visit this exciting city stay in a hotel. City statistics show there were 48 million hotel room nights occupied in Las Vegas in 2016 alone!

For most people, staying in Las Vegas is a pleasant experience. Unfortunately, sometimes accidents do occur, and people get injured while visiting Las Vegas. Some of those accidents occur in or near hotels. If you are hurt in Las Vegas due to another person or entity’s negligence or entity, you may want to speak to an attorney about your legal options.

In the meantime, Adam Smith Law would like to offer these tips if you are injured in a Las Vegas hotel:

Seek Immediate Medical Care:

A severe injury requires medical care. Please make sure you have a medical examination as soon as possible after your injury. Even if you think you are fine, you still should be seen by a doctor. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

If you file a claim against the hotel later, you will need medical records to prove your injury. The sooner you see a medical professional, the easier it will be to negotiate with the hotel’s insurance company. The insurance adjuster will argue that your injuries were caused by something else if you wait too long to see a doctor.

Hotels Are Required to Protect Guests:

According to Nevada law, hotels are legally obligated to take the safety of guests seriously. This legal duty is comprised of the following elements:

  • Provide adequate security
  • Ensure the hotel is clean and is disease-free
  • Conduct maintenance daily to ensure the hotel is safe
  • Remove safety hazards
  • Have appropriate hiring and training standards
The hotel can be held liable if it is found that the hotel’s negligence played a part in causing your injury.

You Could Be Entitled to Compensation:

After you establish the hotel is liable for your injuries, you can seek compensation equal to the value of your damages. Under state law, you may be eligible to seek compensation for economic and non-economic damages, including any of the following:

  • All medical costs, including emergency room fees
  • Lost earnings
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Loss of limbs
  • Disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Wrongful death of a loved one

Las Vegas Injury Issues The Hotel’s Insurance Company Will Fight:

In a personal injury lawsuit, large Las Vegas hotels are represented by significant insurance companies. These companies have skilled attorneys who know how to fight hotel injury claims. They will work hard to reduce your settlement as much as possible.

Sometimes the insurance company will refuse to pay anything. That is when having an aggressive attorney in your corner can pay off. When a skilled lawyer represents you, the insurance company will become more reasonable and make a fair settlement. Going to trial is expensive, and most hotels want to avoid bad publicity.

Work with a Local Attorney:

If you are hurt while visiting Las Vegas, you might want to work with an attorney you know from your city. While this is understandable, we do not advise it. Most hotel injury claims are brought under Nevada state law.

For that reason, if you are hurt in Las Vegas, you should work with a personal injury attorney based here. You need an attorney who knows the local laws. But you also need an attorney who is in Las Vegas and knows the local insurance companies and courts.
Getting hurt while visiting Las Vegas is upsetting and stressful. But if you follow these tips, you will find a skilled attorney who can help you get the compensation you deserve.

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