Inspiring Stories
A collection of personal Interviews with celebrated leaders, entrepreneurs, corporate honchos or any success stories.


From Motivation-seeker to Motivational Speaker - Inspiring Story Of The Rising Entrepreneur And Speaker Ms.Ankita Bhatnagar

Ankita Bhatnagar founder of BMG Associates An interaction with an entrepreneur: Ankita Bhatnagar, founder of BMG Associates (Financial Consultancy firm) and E-Dost. Hailing from a cultural and heritage city of Beawar in Rajasthan, India (which is known for its Beawar Tilpapdi), she started her venture in her own city, and learnt entrepreneurship through trial and error.

Interaction with young entrepreneurs is always a very positive experience. I come to know about their amazing zeal, enthusiasm, and positivity. It revives my positivity that, generally, gets eclipsed with disappointment when I read negative news in the newspapers. I have started believing that everyone must interact with the social entrepreneurs around them and avoid the feeling that the world is full of negative elements & things like criminal activities. Let us celebrate positivity.

I interacted with Ms.Ankita Bhatnagar, who became an entrepreneur at the tender age of 20. I asked her a few questions, and here are her responses:

When did you start your professional career?

I took up a job at the age of 16 and worked for 3 years. Post that, I wanted to start my own business. So, I joined a small firm to gain experience. It was an NBFC, and this experience helped me prepare for my entrepreneurship journey. It was advantageous because I was looking after every part of the business. I realized that I could manage the entire business.

Working in a startup also helped me to develop an ability to start thinking from an entrepreneur's perspective. I learnt many different aspects and gained experience. I soon developed the confidence that I could start a new venture on my own.

What was your salary as an employee, and did you regret leaving your job to start your own venture?

My salary was Rs.25000 per month- it was comfortable at that point in time, but as the quote goes "Change begins at the end of your comfort zone”; I decided to quit this comfort zone and take some risks. I started taking initiatives that could help me in becoming an entrepreneur.

Did your hobbies help you in planning your life goals? How did you overcome your challenges?

I am a writer and a blogger as well. I was very clear about what I had to do in life - there was no confusion. My hobbies helped me a lot.

With respect to challenges: I started my own business at the age of 20- I came to Jaipur [the capital city of Rajasthan, India] for the first time and scouted for a partner for my business. I didn't have a mentor, I have learnt through the experiences in my life. These mistakes taught me many things, and I kept learning.

But when I felt nervous that these mistakes were becoming a hurdle for my growth, I started learning from the mistakes and experiences of others. I started reading the books and blogs of the people who have made mistakes, I learnt from their experiences, and it helped me considerably. I gained a lot of clarity from reading books.

Ankita Bhatnagar founder of BMG Associates How did you improvise yourself in your career?

I was not a very extroverted person. I have learnt and believed that we should only speak about the things we are an authority on. My mother has trained me to be a great listener and a careful speaker- 'listen more and speak less' is the mantra I have followed. My communication skills have improved considerably due to these habits.

What was the biggest challenge so far and how did you overcome it?

The period of Covid was the most difficult phase. The business had almost closed down due to the restrictions. I had even thought of taking up a job, but there were no jobs available in my city then.

However, the tough times are over. Now, my business is doing well. I have realized that opportunities don’t come to you unless you work hard and take a lead to gain them. There is no dearth of work and opportunities in this world.

How do you contribute to society?

That is something I have always dreamt about. I work with an organization called 'Shakti Sena' which primarily works on empowering women and providing them with opportunities for growth and skilling. I enjoy sparing my time for the cause of women empowerment. Apart from that, I am also a counselor and counsel the youth who suffer from addictions. I have counseled hundreds of addicted youth and motivated them to change themselves and move towards positivity.

I use my spare time to motivate youth toward positivity and creativity.

What do you love as your achievements of life?

I wrote three books and they are my best gifts to this world. These books are:
  • Badalte Rishte
  • Seven ways of Success
  • Bhagwat Gita (under publication)
I recommend everyone to be a writer – so that our ideas become clear and our communication skills improve as well.

Image Credits:
Image 1: Image from Ankita Bhatnagar Official

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 5th December 2022.
Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain
Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazin

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