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What to Look For in a Senior Residence

Senior Residences One of the hardest decisions so many people have to make in life is knowing when it is time to look for a senior residence. Life is just getting too hard on them and there is so much they’d still like to do but aren’t at all able. It has become difficult to keep up with the day-to-day routines and even their social life has dimmed within the past few years.
Whether you are looking for a senior residence for your elderly parents or are seniors yourselves who have decided it’s time to take the plunge, there are some very important aspects of life in a senior residence that should be researched before deciding what to do with the rest of those senior years.

Can They Meet Your Current and Future Needs?

Answering this question has led many California seniors to choose the assisted living San Diego Sabre Springs Belmont Village location. The way they have it set up is that residents don’t move as their level of care progresses. Rather, the staff ‘moves’ along with them right where they are. This makes assisted living in San Diego much less traumatic for older adults, and if they have the beginnings of dementia, change isn’t necessarily a good thing. This doesn’t mean the staff is actually living and moving with them, but rather is able to adjust levels of care as their needs progress.

Community Amenities

Then there are those necessary amenities future residents are interested in. Do they have a swimming pool and plenty of activities to keep seniors entertained? Do they have transportation to local venues if need be? Some senior residences have buses to take residents places like shopping at a mall and to matinees at a local theater. If these are important, then it pays to see exactly what kinds of amenities and services they have to offer.

How Is Their Facility Staffed?

Another very important consideration is the kind of staff employed there. Is there a 24/7 RN on duty? What about housekeepers who are there to clean public bathrooms and common areas? Are there housekeepers on staff who could also be hired to do residences if required? When it comes to assisted living, for example, what level of care is given to residents who can’t manage household chores? Then is there a case manager and do they offer memory care? There are so many questions in terms of what kind of staffing they have that you should probably make a list prior to meeting with intake and viewing the grounds.
Just remember to check to see how they approach levels of care and whether are they staffed adequately to provide the level of care needed as a senior’s needs progress. That is vitally important because you don’t want to be moving from facility to facility as health and medical needs progress. It was difficult enough organizing the move-in without going through that again a few years later.
Just know that there are, indeed, senior residences that are able to serve independent living residents as well as those who are suffering late-stage memory loss. It’s up to you to determine if they do have the level of care needed today and into the future.

Image Credits: Image 1: Photo by Senior Living on StockSnap | Image 2: Image by Senior Guidance on Flickr

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