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Make Girls Fit to Fight Back

The year 2023 is going and a new year is about to start. The newspapers are echoing different news and the trends are changing. Digital is the new trend. Many new things are happening. However, there are some bad trends also. One such bad trend is the increase in crime against girls. This is one aspect that is disturbing everyone. We all need to think about it. What should be done?

What is your resolution for the year 2024? I have a small request to make. There has been a rise in incidents of violence against women. I would urge you to make a request to ask girls to learn to fight.
Girls fit fight Self-defence is an art and it can be learnt very easily. The incidents of crime are spreading because the girls are unable to defend themselves. I wish that every girl would reincarnate the Rani Laxmi Bai within herself.

I will take you to Richa Gaur for inspiration. Richa Gaur is a coach of martial arts and she has been training girls in the art of self-defence. She has made it her mission to empower every girl in our country. She has inspired and trained countless girls. We need many Richa Gaurs to transform our country.

Girls fit fight Crime spreads when one is powerful and the other person is weak. When both are equal, there is less possibility of crime. In ancient times, women were trained in martial arts. We have heard the stories of women warriors. Wherever women are trained in self-defence, there we find better living standards and fewer incidents of crime. We need to learn a lesson from this that it is a necessity for every girl to learn self-defence. Every school and college must make it compulsory to impart training in self-defence for girls.
Girls fit fight Richa Gaur has started GOSEDMA Academy through which she is imparting training to girls. She trains girls in self-defence. She is very young and I wish that she would be able to transform our country through her initiatives. Richa Gaur has started her self-defence training academies in 40 cities in our country. This is a great initiative and should be replicated.

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Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain
Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazin

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