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Triumph of Academic Excellence: BMS College Graduation Ceremony 2023

BMS 2023 Graduation Ceremony BMS College of Commerce and Management, in association with BMS Evening College of Arts and Commerce, hosted a magnificent Graduation Ceremony at the prestigious Four Seasons Hotel. The event was a celebration of academic excellence, recognizing the achievements of 285 undergraduates, including 265 from BMSCCM and 89 from BMSECAC, along with 20 Executive Management students who completed their academic journey.

The ceremony was presided over by the esteemed presence of Dr. B.S. Ragini Narayan, Donor Trustee, Member Secretary, and Chairperson of BMSET, the Chief Guest of the ceremony was Sri Jaware Gowda T, the Registrar of Bengaluru City University. The Guest of Honours were Commander M.S. Srikant (Retd) from the Indian Navy, Dr. P. Dayananda Pai, Life Trustee of BMSET, Sri. Aviram Sharma, Chairman of BMSCCM and Trustee of BMSET, Sri. Gautham V, Chairman BMS Hospital Trust, and Sri. Ravi Venkatesham, Trustee of BMSET.

BMS 2023 Graduation Ceremony The ceremony commenced with an academic procession to the grand ballroom, wherein Dr. B.S. Ragini Narayan officially declared the graduation ceremony open. A soulful and innovative song by Akanksh and team set the tone for the morning, followed by a warm welcome speech from Dr. Pankaj Choudhary, the Principal of BMSCCM and BMSECAC. The lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries and a presidential address by Sri Aviram Sharma sir, Chairman of BMSCCM and Trustee of BMSET marked the ceremonial proceedings.

BMS 2023 Graduation Ceremony Sri. Jaware Gowda T, Registrar, BCU, addressed the graduating class, imparting words of wisdom and encouragement. The Guest of Honours, Commander M.S. Srikant (Retd), Dr. P. Dayananda Pai, Sri. Aviram Sharma, Sri. Gautham V, and Sri. Ravi Venkatesham shared inspiring insights and perspectives with the graduating students. A pivotal moment in the ceremony was the Graduation Pledge administered by Dr. Pankaj Choudhary, the Principal, emphasizing the graduates' commitment to their professions and society at large.

The highlight of the evening was the distribution of gold and silver medals by Dr. Preethi Stanley, Head of the Management and Corporate Communication Department. Bhoomika S(BCOM), Shirisha S(BBA), and Chandushree(BCA) were honored with gold medals, while Sukruthi V(BCOM), Sonal B S(BBA), and Abednego (BCA) were awarded silver medals from BMS College of Commerce and Management.
BMS 2023 Graduation Ceremony The ceremony also recognized the exceptional graduates from BMS Evening College of Arts and Commerce, with Nakshatra M securing the gold medal and Srivarsha N A securing the silver medal, from the Executive Management Program of BMS College of Commerce and Management, Divya B K stands out as the gold medallist. Dr. Preethi Stanley also declared the special awards with cash endowment prizes which added an extra layer of recognition for the outstanding achievements of the graduating students in various clubs of the college.

BMS 2023 Graduation Ceremony The ceremony reached its pinnacle with the distribution of graduation certificates to the graduating class of 2020-2023. Mrs. Tejaswini, Assistant Professor in the Commerce Department, delivered a heartfelt vote of thanks, and the event was concluded with the rendition of the national anthem. Dr. B.S. Ragini Narayan officially dissolved the graduation ceremony, and the academic procession gracefully exited the grand ballroom, leaving behind a legacy of academic achievement and accomplishment. BMS 2023 Graduation Ceremony The Graduation Ceremony was a momentous occasion for all the graduating students by marking the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. It was a memorable celebration of academic achievement and exemplary contributions to various clubs, with the anticipation of a bright future for all the graduates.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 21st December 2023.
Dr.Pankaj Choudhary
BMS College of Commerce and Management, one of Bangalore's Leading Colleges

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