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Re-Store Project: An online platform to reuse, reduce, and recycle

Manila, Philippines - A large portion of the garbage generated in Metro Manila can be reused (5 percent) and recycled (35 percent) and eco-friendliness is increasingly becoming an influential factor in consumers' purchase decisions. Groups and individuals around the world are finding new solutions to the problem of waste, and there seems to be no end to what can be reused and recycled - industrial waste, furniture, and even cardboard boxes.

Re-Store Project, an online platform that could tap and offer a reuse-and-recycle platform using technology and the internet.

It aims to create an online eco-conscious community whereby any business and individuals in the Metro Manila - from restaurants to offices, schools to houses - can post their unwanted but usable equipment, furniture, computers, books, etc. The community can then search for the item in the website www.re-store.ph and offer to take the items off their original owners' hands for free.

Simply, the project aims to build a nationwide gifting movement by matching unwanted goods with individuals who can use them and to create eco-opportunities. Not only does the environment benefit from this system, it will also save businesses and individuals thousands of pesos in waste disposal and procurement costs, while forging closer ties among local community.

Members of the Re-store community gain "green points" for every transaction and interaction made in www.re-store.ph. These accumulated points can be converted to rewards or discounts in products of partner companies/corporations.

Membership is entirely FREE, just like everything that is listed.

The Re-Store team is beta launching the platform on December 25, 2013. Let us support this startup and discover how fulfilling (and easy) it is to live a more sustainable lifestyle!

Re-Store is founded by Mark Aethen G. Agana, Philippine World Merit Ambassador. To sign up for beta launching, please log on to www.re-store.ph now.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 10th December 2013.

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