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So here is a Short Presentation:

5 Ways To Be A Great Event Manager

Events are a powerful way to make a brand presence and reach your target market. You could be organising events for your company/brand/product/service promotion or for a cause, or probably just to celebrate your success, but, you already know the large amount of check-lists to maintain and follow up and above all the amount of co-ordination it would take to achieve that.

To make life easier and simpler to ensure you pull off great events, successful event organisers have tricks that almost make you feel empowered like the empowerment of a magic wand to achieve the results you like. The major guidelines are:
5 Ways To Be A Great Event Manager

1. Maintain A Detailed Check-List

Having and maintaining a check list is probably the first and most important thing on the event managers priority. If you have listed everything that is involved at various stages in as much detail with representative graphs, images, spreadsheets and more, you simply can be sure you won’t miss anything for the last minute troubleshooting. Though you can never fully avoid it, you can surely try to win over most plausible issues and prevent them from happening on the day of the event that could spoil your show. Forgetfulness is human but forgetting a check-list is more than a crime for a great event manager.

2. Delegate Right

You have to accept that you can’t do everything alone and have to divide your action plan among those involved, or if needed get more people involved on to the requisite roles. Great Event Managers surround themselves with the right team and set the co-ordination up well in advance right from the stage when the event is planned. They bring the people together for multiple meetings at the onset and get everyone clear about the roles of everybody involved. They never let people stay confused about who is doing what. Everyone has a role to play and only they are followed up for that.

3. Co-ordinate & Keep People Informed

Great Event Managers get everyone in sync with the flow of the event and action plan leading up to the day of the event so that everyone is well aware of their role and also those of others. People are kept in loop with the developments so that nobody misses out on the progress and are able to participate and coordinate their roles well. Should there be an emergency there are multiple people to assume responsibility when everyone is in sync with the developments unlike when one person deals everything.

4. Make Phone Calls Your Life

It’s important to understand that coordination involved for great events to happen is really high and there needs to be very strong connectivity among all members involved. The great event mangers stay in the habit of regular calling and ensure that they stay in touch to keep the ball rolling. The calls help in maintaining the flow, energy levels and strength of the team. You must ensure you have lists of everyone on your phone and call them regularly. It might be tedious but you must know you’re going to be successful at it, only if you are connected regularly.

5. Follow Up

Follow Up is the key to being a great event manager. From the vendor to the organising team leaders everybody needs a timely follow up on every instruction that has been issued. From releasing of payments time, to following up on the follow up lists everything would need perfect follow up plan and follow up in action to get implemented within time frame allocated to the task. If you do not learn and master the habit of following up on every task and activity that needs to be accomplished you would lose hold on the process and things would fall lose and chances of falling apart always increase in such cases. So, with these you are more or less empowered but there is one thing the Smart Phone generation event managers have that helps them make most of the things look easy is the Group Call App that allows calling lists of people at ease and continuously. With barely one minute or more to talk to everyone and the life of an event manager running on the edge all the time, this app allows you to create and store lists. You can then just open those lists, click dial button just once and go on talking over your Bluetooth device or ear phones while possibly use your hands to make notes or engage in staying on your PC/System noting responses. This app hence allows you to complete your calling work every single day without having you to lose track with the flow of the calls or be able to remember who all you finished calling and who you yet need to yet call. This app is a true blessing for the great event managers of today.

Overall, making a habit of calling your core lists, every single day, would ensure you are easily able to maintain the check-lists, delegate right, coordinate regularly and keep all the people informed and last but not the least be able to follow-up everything to completion.

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