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Risks Faced By Motorcyclists While Zooming Through The City Streets

Statistics revealed by traffic authorities have pointed out that in 98% of cases, motorcycle accidents lead to injury. Find Law has reported that the risk of injury and death faced by motorcyclists are five times and twenty-six times more respectively compared to the passenger cars. Read ON!
The sheer joy of experiencing the breezy air brush across your skin as you zoom through the city roads paired with the fuel efficiency and major time saving compared to a four-wheeler has made motorized scooters or motorcycles a hot favourite Risks Faced By Motorcyclists While Zooming Through amongst the current generation. In spite of having numerous advantages, motorcycles suffer from a basic lacuna in their protective department and that is the lack of an outer shell which is present while travelling in a car.

This very feature makes the motorcyclist extremely vulnerable to road accidents. Even after wearing a proper helmet and donning the safety attire, there persists substantial risk of injury which in many cases have led to permanent paralysis and handicap.
Statistics revealed by traffic authorities have pointed out that in 98% of cases, motorcycle accidents lead to injury. Find Law has reported that the risk of injury and death faced by motorcyclists are five times and twenty-six times more respectively compared to the passenger cars.
Enough said, let’s take a look at the biggest hazards facing motorcyclists while they criss-cross the city streets:

  1. Taking a bend or corner is one of the biggest triggers of motorcycle accidents. Riders often miscalculate the size and angle of the turn causing them to suddenly hit the brakes, which in extreme cases can throw both the rider and the pillion from their bike. You can make use of clues like trees, signs or poles for gauging how the road ahead shall be like.

  2. When the motorcyclists do not maintain ample distance with the car ahead, then it might cause them to incur an accident. A rear-end collision might occur when the car ahead stops suddenly imparting tremendous damage to the bike and injuring its rider. Irrespective of being lighter in comparison to a car, the motorcycle has just two wheels for maintaining the balance and stability. Thus, it is always advisable to keep a safe distance.

  3. Junctures and overtaking are the biggest causes of blind spot collisions. In most of the motorcycle accidents, the other drivers blame their inability in detecting the motorcycle rider in the first place. People opening their car doors straight onto a bike rushing past may be one of the most glaring examples of such driver’s negligence.

  4. Lane-split should be practiced with utmost caution as the car drivers cannot be expected to leave much space in between them for motorcycles to zig-zag. Riders stand at heightened risk of being knocked into traffic by an oncoming driver who swerves slightly for merging into another lane.
  5. Last but not the least speeding can definitely be blamed as another unfortunate cause of motorcycle accidents. Superbikes can traverse the lanes at rocket speed. But that does not necessarily mean that you can show off your bike’s worth at a crowded alley. Whenever the rider crosses over the safety threshold in terms of speed limits, he places himself at greater risk of losing his grip and being unable in seeing obstacles lying ahead.
No form of money can ever compensate the loss of life or limbs. But if you feel that any of your loved one has fallen prey to the negligence of a fellow driver or faulty machine parts, then you can seek out the help of a Woodland Hills Motorcycle Accident Lawyer who can help you in getting reimbursed for the injury caused.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 1st February 2018.

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