One more lesson that flows out of my gym is here for my dear readers. Recently I had met with an
accident due to which I had hurt my hands a bit. I could not ride bike again for few days and I
could not lift heavy weights as the best flexible and supporting parts, wrist and thumb were hit a bit.
I could not apply any pressure on my hands and had to be really careful when anyone would even hold
them accidentally. Finally when I hit back to the gym, I did not apply any pressure on them and just
did cardio exercises for some time. After a while I had to start with weight training, else I would
completely lose my motivation and energy. This weight-training would in turn apply pressure on my
hands' wrist and thumb. That's when I came across this lesson.
Since the muscles and joints hit take some time to recover, it is not possible to dump heavy weights on
them immediately and majority of the upper body exercises cannot be done at all when hands are hurt. I
had to do something that could help in faster recovery as well as heavy-weights handling. That's when I
started doing strengthening exercises in which you choose a weight that will cause only that much pain
which you can with-stand. As the mind already knows the amount of stress applied the muscle gets ready
to bear the strain pain.
When this exercise is repeated for regular number of repetitions the recovery and strengthening happen much faster. As a
result of this I could once again resume back to my weight training reasonably well and hope to recover from the existing
pain soon and move on to muscle building.
The whole lesson from this was that when you know the amount of pressure you can handle, you can apply it upon yourself for the
time period and the number of times you de-cide. Every time pressure is there and you work under it there are increasing chances
of strengthening yourself, developing further and raising your pressure handling threshold. Only under the pressure does a coal
become a dia-mond. So if you can calibrate the pressure by yourself, you can clearly chart out the plan for your growth else
there is bound to be external pressure that will fall upon you and that too at unexpected time with unexpected magnitude for
which you might not be prepared at all. So the best option would be to apply pressure of known magnitudes that you can handle
and strengthen yourself really well by pushing the pressure handling capacity to the maximum so that you are strong enough to
handle the external unknown pres-sures at crucial junctures of life.
Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. A part [small/large] could be AI generated content at times and it's inevitable today. If you have a feedback particularly with regards to that, feel free to let us know. This article was first published here on February 2013.
Mohan BN
Mohan BN is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.