Entrepreneur's Delight
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8 Must Have Social Media Tools

1. Google Analytics: Google Analytics provides powerful digital analytics for anyone with a web presence, large or small. It's one of the most powerful digital analytics solutions that answers the insights you need to grow in your business. 

2. Mail Chimp: MailChimp is an email marketing service provider, founded in 2001.It is a web-based application, although data can be downloaded and for some features there is an offline application. 

3. ManageFlitter: ManageFlitter provides you with a set of easy to use tools to empower you to work smarter and faster with Twitter. It is a critically acclaimed set of Twitter Tools loved by over 2 million people.

4. edocr: edocr allows users to upload a .doc or .pdf document and then to download, share or embed it via a Flash interface on any website. No other forms of document are allowed. 

5. bit.ly: bitly is a URL shortening service. Bitly shortens more than one billion links per month,for use in social networking, SMS, and email.
8 Must have Social Media Tools
6. Social Mention: Social Mention is a real-time social media search and analysis tool that scrapes user generated content across the internet for any given company, product, or search term. In a single stream, this tool will give you the most recent relevant results, metrics on unique authors, reach, frequency of mentions, sentiment and top keywords.

7. Buffer: Buffer is a software application designed to manage social networks, by providing the means for a user to schedule posts to Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin

8. Feedly: Feedly is a news aggregator application for various Web browsers and mobile devices running iOS and Android, also available as a cloud-based service. It compiles news feeds from a variety of online sources for the user to customize and share with others.
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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 25th February 2015.

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