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Beginner's Guide to Google Plus

Three years down the line, Google Plus Users still wonder how they got there. Now that you are a Google Plus User, there is no harm understanding how it works. Here are some terms that can help any person understand Google Plus easily.

Google Circles: Circles make it easy to share the right things with the right people, just like in real life. Now, you can share some things with close friends, others with your family, and almost nothing with your boss.

Posts: When you share an update on Google+ you can choose who you share it with — a specific group of people or everyone. You can also tag individual companies or people in your posts.

Hangouts: Hangouts is where you can video call your connections, either as a group chat or as a private conversation. Google positions it as a way to turn one-to-one or group conversations into live face-to-face video calls with up to ten people.

Beginner\'s guide to Google Plus
Communities: Like Groups in Facebook, you have communities in Google Plus This allows you to join in conversations with people with similar interests — whether it’s social media, travel, animals or fashion. All you need to do is request to join and you can create and join in the discussion.

Events: Celebrate what matters, with the people who matter most with Events option. Being Google, this is linked to your Google calendar so you never have to worry about forgetting an event.

Explore: This feature allows you to see what topics are trending currently keeping you up to date with current information.

Home Stream: Homestream is just like a live bulletin board that keeps you posted with information from the people in your circles. You can adjust the frequency of posts, limit the circles and even customize on what you wish to see using the settings option.,

Time to Sign in --- G+!
Article published on Official Blog Of SIMUS

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 24th February 2015.

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