Get started with #Twitter

"Oh, my God! You're not on Twitter!", "Twitter is so cool", "Twitter has Amitabh Bachchan, Oprah Winfrey, Bill gates tweeting everyday", "Did you follow the trend?".....

I have heard people tell all these and a lot more. I am sure one out of the 500 Million (Twitter Population) would have told you as well.  But, what they don't tell you is how to get started. So, I thought of making it easy for all you, newcomers. 

Twitter is a Social Networking Platform- Simple!

I wouldn't want to say it’s just like Facebook. It’s equivalent to saying you are just like Rakesh/John) It’s unique in its own way. My beginning on Twitter dates back to 23rd May, 2010. It wasn't my birthday. I just started. Off-late many have been asking me about how they can get started with Twitter. So, let's begin.

Here we go:

1. Type in the address bar. 

2. You will find, ‘New to Twitter, Sign up’ Dialogue Box. Enter your Full Name, Email and Password. Click ‘Sign up for Twitter’.

Get started with Twitter,Online Presence
3. A new page opens which will ask you to confirm details. Full Name, Email address, Create a Password, Choose your Username. 

a. Just because you want to be called by your pet-name don't fill it there. Enter your Full Name as per records which makes it easy for people to recognize you. 

b. Fill in your correct Email address that is active. (Not the one whose password you have forgotten) A confirmation mail will be sent to your Email account for your twitter account to be confirmed.

c. Create a Strong Password. (Strong enough for people not be able to guess. No Phone numbers or abcdef)

d. Username! People will not ask what Name you entered but they will ask for your Twitter Handle/Username. Keep it simple and less complicated. 

The Final Step – Click on Create your Account. 

5.  Welcome to Twitter! Your Account is created. Upload your Photo, a Short Bio and get started! (Do not forget to confirm your twitter account.)

6. Compose a new message and click Tweet. Bingo! There goes your first Tweet into your timeline. 

Points to Remember! 

*** A Tweet is 140 characters long. Yes! You read it right. Just 140! Who today has time to read paragraphs?

*** You don’t make friends instead you ‘follow’ to get their tweets.

*** Hashtag (#) represents trends. When you type #xyz in the search column you will find everyone who have posted about the same. It’s like a subject. 

More on tweeting in the next article…

Happy Tweeting!
Article published on Official Blog Of SIMUS

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