How to start your own Facebook Page

Facebook Page, Online Presence Social media has become an important tool & Facebook, even more. Here are 8 tips for you to stay in the game.
1. Go to and click on “Create a Page”. If you are not registered on Facebook yet, you can create a Business Account.
There are 2 benefits of having a business account. Firstly, you can share the credentials of this page with anyone even if they do not have their own Facebook account. Secondly, you can administer advertising from this account.

2. Choose your name carefully because once you have 100 likes you will not be able to make any change to the name of the page. 

3. Choose Appropriate Applications. Facebook provides a wide variety of applications that are great for managing the content on your page. Reviews, Social RSS, YouTube Video Box are some of them. 
4. Create a Webpage Address. Webpage address can be changed only once. So, think long term before creating one. 

5. Do not leave the descriptions blank. The more information you give, the better your brand will be understood. 

6. Before you start promoting the page make sure that the profile picture, cover photo and at-least one post is up. 

7. Once the page is updated and ready to be promoted, you can start building audience by inviting your friends choosing “Invite Friends” option (Like
8. Consistency is one of the key aspects of Social Media. Once the page is up, make sure that the page has consistent posts and activity. 

Well begun is a lot done. You now have an online presence on Social Media. That doesn’t mean it ends here. More to this in the upcoming article. Meanwhile, For those in countries where they cannot access Facebook but still want to create one for their product, they can bypass Facebook censorship with a VPN

Article published on Official Blog Of SIMUS
If you think you have ways to use facebook that are unique and intriguing, do share with us in the comments below. 

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