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Unfolding The Life Of Lecturer Mahesh Shetty's Journey Into Music

Instances maybe big or small, happy or sad, annoying and offensive or decorous and dignifying, complimenting or criticizing, they are sure to create a life-changing impact on each one of our lives. Generally, success stories, captivating examples and enriching incidents are cherished to move up the ladder of progress, but this budding celebrity has discovered inspiration and motivation from a gloomy incident which occurred in his life. Walk through the array of his story which channelizes every reader into contentment!
It was a very crucial day in his life when he was in his 6th semester engineering: “my mother’s soul left the physical world and headed towards her eternal destiny, while I was preparing for my exam. My emotions burst into tears, anxiety with a depressed state of mind, but at same time, my dream to become an engineer also seemed important. Though I missed the chance to visit my mother for the last time, my strong commitment to realize my dreams bloomed in the belief- I am fortunate enough to feel the presence of my mother in and with me. I remember my hands shivering when I held my pen to begin my exam, but the sturdy decision which I made that day has helped me make my living today” confesses Mahesh Shetty, a professional singer at Holiday Village, lecturer, and a grooming music director has written and composed over 50 songs. He has preened his self to abide by his goals irrespective of any turn his life took and any tests his life posed.
Mahesh Shetty
Not everybody perch the position decorated with hope in tough situations. Mahesh stands as an identity for proving what his dreams and goals mean to him by turning paucity into potency by directing this fortifying loss to a sense of push to let out his frustrations, grief, sufferings, heaviness of heart and all his feelings out in the form of lyrics to his songs which he further made them dynamic by showering melody to them through his auspicious composing quality. His mother was the sole reason for him to develop interest towards music, which raised him as a passionate singer right from his childhood.

Looking up to his mother, he says “my all time deific source of inspiration is my mother whose memories help me become the creator of many more tuned tracks.  ”Whenever I scroll through my songs, I regret for not getting a platform to expose them to all the music lovers. I am craving to find ways to expand my network in order to turn myself into an established music director” shares he.
Mahesh Shetty
The highly talented singer is waiting for a glimpse of an opportunity to gift his ardent music to the world. Extending his interest into different genres, he also inks a lot of scripts which could be directed into wonderful movies.

The aspiring music compose says “my life is incomplete if my life ambition is not accomplished” who earns satisfaction when his goals are achieved. By bringing out his emotions through words, he gives rise to numerous transcending compositions which drives the listeners into a puddle of euphony. Professionalizing his dream of becoming a skilled engineer, he has promoted it to the next level by sharing knowledge with all the future engineers and concurrently spreading his wave of melody to all the music adorers, by performing at resorts. Music is an entity which stabilizes peace of mind in me” states the songster, who wants to learn more about music and everything in it. Converting his painful past into a thread that induces positivity and encouragement to emphasize his life among millions of others, thinking in terms of possibilities rather than probabilities, abiding by the solid decision to frame his life in terms of glory and satisfaction and visualizing the picture of highlighted destinies every now and then, he has been able to push, provoke and keep his self up, irrespective of circumstances and challenges rolling into his life.

We hope for vivid opportunities to reach this aspiring song composer to spread the wings of his passion oriented career and illuminate not only his life but also that of a lot of music lovers out there.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 10th February 2017.
Rakshitha R
A very positive lady who is envisioned to inspire young minds.

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