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Terry Wildemann Takes Us On The Inward Journey To An Empowered Life!

What does it mean to take a journey inward so you can live an empowered life? Empowered Living show guest, Terry Wildemann explains how to go inward, why it's important and how the journey inward leads to living an empowered life.
Empowered Living Show

Tapping in to Bring Out the Best

As an expert in integrating mind body and spirit, Terry coaches and facilitates practical and real world professional development and business programs for intuitive leaders. She is an experienced entrepreneur and facilitator, speaker, certified executive coach and bestselling author. Terry guides students to tap into their inner business game, so that they can bring out the best in themselves and in their teens. The outcomes are evolved, competent, confident, credible and coherent influential leaders who operate on all cylinders.
Terry Wildemann: Inward Journey To An Empowered Life!

Divine Guidance Helps Us Evolve

Terry describes herself as a “serial entrepreneur” having been an entrepreneur since well before the age of 18. When she was younger, she sold rides in her little red wagon for pennies. She knows that she is where she is today is due to divine guidance. Terry’s experience and back ground is extremely eclectic. Her degree is in law enforcement, but she’s always had a business on the side. When her daughter was born, she decided she wanted to do something different and fun. In 1997, she became a certified image consultant. And that was the beginning of where she is now. Terry believes that we keep evolving if we follow divine guidance.

From Fear to Empowerment

Terry believes that anyone is capable of living an empowered life. But, she says “we often have to go through the bad stuff and learn from the bad stuff to become very, very clear on what's important for us”. She suggests you ask yourself hard questions such as “what do you need to let go of in order for you to be able to do what you are really passionate about and what you are meant to do in this lifetime?” To lead an empowered life is the ability to say yes to the mistakes and yes to the adventures. Say yes with courage and know that when you look back, you would rather have done something in fear than not do it at all.

When you make mistakes, which we all do, it’s important not to think of the word “failure” in a negative sense. Terry encourages people to fail because that’s where she believes you have the greatest learning experience.  If you allow fear of failure to control you then you can end up stuck unable to move forward towards your calling, your passion, and towards what you are meant to be doing.

Terry shares her unforgettable train station story, which she elaborates on in her book “The Enchanted Boardroom”. It was 1979 and she was standing at the train station in Philadelphia. She was going to her first police officer job interview. She phoned her father in tears of fear because she was too scared to go upstairs for the interview. Although her Cuban father didn’t like the idea of his daughter being a police officer, he still encouraged her. He knew she had worked hard to get to even get an interview.  He knew this is what she had wanted to do for so long. He told her “go do it”. Terry believes that if she had not made that phone call to her father, she would not be where she is today.

Fear can be very controlling, and Terry states “it's important for us when we go into those places [of fear] to have coaching, that's why the coaching history is so viable and such good resource for people who are entrepreneurs. They need to seek out just the right coach to encourage them and help them cut through what is holding them back and get past the self-sabotage”. We all have blind spots. We are often unable to see our own patterns and habits that keep us stuck. That’s why it’s so important to have an outside objective view to get you moving forward.
Terry Wildemann: Inward Journey To An Empowered Life!

Intuitive Leadership

Terry is very excited to have received her trademark for “Intuitive Leadership” just weeks ago.   Intuitive leadership is truly about integrating intuition and leadership. The most amazing leaders on the planet use intuition to help them make decisions.  Intuitive leaders understand how to integrate both leadership and intuition by using the practical, tactical and logical with the emotional, the energetic, the spiritual, the physical and the intuitive. Many people focus on the practical, tactical and logical, but they ignore the rest. Or they focus on the energetic, the emotional and the spiritual and then they ignore the practical, tactical and logical. Integration involves using all of these together as a leader.

Terry believes that every single one of us are born with intuition but that it gets knocked out of us by other people who are disbelieving. Intuition can come in various forms. You can see pictures, hear words, and feel things or sense things. You just intuitively know that something is meant to go over here or over there. It’s when you don't listen to your intuition that you end up regretting it which we’ve all done. These instances keep happening until we finally take notice. 

Terry never understood the magnitude of paying attention to intuition until she had children and several health crises. If she had followed the advice of the doctors and not her intuition, she believes she would not even have her kids. She listened to her heart and she listened to her intuition.

As Terry got older she realized that the gift of intuition needed to be expanded on in the leadership arena. Leadership is how you inspire and influence people. It includes the emotional, the energetic and the spiritual side of you. As an intuitive leader, you’re able to merge intuition and leadership so it becomes authentic and you operate from integrity. You pay attention to how your words, actions and thoughts land with people.  ou’re able to approach people in a way that allows them to want to say yes I want to follow you. I want to learn from you, I want to work with you.

Leaders can burn out when they aren’t listening to their intuition or walking their talk because they feel out of integrity and they can’t operate under those circumstances. Often this shows up as disengagement with their team instead of engaging their team or keeping everything inside because they don’t want people to know that they’re struggling or they’re embarrassed and they self-sabotage.

Coaching for business is a relatively new concept but coaching and sports has existed since the beginning of sports. There is always a coach on the sidelines encouraging the talent, bringing out the best in people. We listen to the inspiring words of a coach during half time. It's the same in business.

The Enchanted Boardroom

The Enchanter Boardroom was birthed from intuition and it’s evolved from an unstoppable intuitive leader. Terry was having energy work done and she was in a very deep meditation. As she came out of her meditation, the words enchanted boardroom came through. She embarked on the journey and through magnetic attraction, she found the ideal publisher. This is her second solo book and her seventh book.

The Enchanted Boardroom integrates the mind body experience. It includes the Intuitive Leadership Business Success Model. The book discusses the foundation and ideas of the business model and looks at what a business needs in order to be able to really work well.  The model also focuses on clarity, task and action, agility, flexibility, mindset and attitude and covering how to address fear of change, self-sabotage issues, self-worth issues, and other issues that impact leadership.  The book is for any leader, entrepreneur or business owner at any level or any age. Terry has a step by step guide that will help you distress in 60 seconds or less. Getting into the Quick Shift Zone is the foundation of business attraction. It's the foundation of stress resiliency and what you do before you go networking.

Download this step by step guide here. (Scroll down under the book to the “Quick Shift Zone Card”).

Terry has made getting into this zone so easy you think it's not working but trust me it does.  IT raises your DHA levels and reduces your cortisol levels.  The Enchanted Boardroom goes into much more detail about the Quick Shift Zone and intuitive leadership.
Watch the SHOW!

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 25th February 2017.
Lisa Meisels
Lisa Meisels is an Online Visibility Strategist for Health & Wellness Coaches.

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