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A peek into the past

You wake up for school like everyday, all bored and sleepy, go to school, you're still sleepy. Teacher comes in the class, teaches you and gives you homework, you're still sleepy and then she makes the announcement for a 10 month exchange program to the United States of America, and you're not sleepy anymore. That's what happened with me.
Ramsha Khan
It was a normal day. I didn't know that that day would change my life. I got the form and applied for it. The procedure was too long. Essay writing, creativity tests, interviews with American councils, Eltis test, Passport, grades, grop discussions, medical information, immunizations and loads of other tests and information...But in the end, it was all worth it. I got selected and left home on 8th August, 2015. My mother made eggs and bread in the breakfast for me and everyone in my home got up early to bid good bye to me. We all shed a tear or two and then, I left home.

After leaving home we had orientations for two days in Gurgaon and then I, along with 37 other students from around the country boarded my first ever flight to America, to my dreams. 

I lived with an American family in Phoenix, Arizona for 10 months and did my 11th grade in Cortez High school. In those 10 months, I did things I never imagined I would do. A fashion show, learned guitar and did a concert in the end, I learned to travel by myself, I fell in love with my host family's dog, got a letter from the President Obama, learned baking and above all, I accomplished 150 hours of community service and got recognised by the American council and dept. of states. I went to California, Las Vegas, Washington DC and many other places. I also won a one week trip to Washington DC as a part of Civic Education week. During that week, I went around all around Washington DC, gained confident and leadership skills, met so many brilliant students, leaders and talked with each other about the issues prevailing in today's world. We even got a chance to go inside the U.S dept. of States and met Evan Ryan, assisstant secretory of states for educational and cultural affairs. "If you can get here, then you can go anywhere" that's what she told us and that one sentence has inspired me to get better with every passing day.
Ramsha Khan
As Dumbledore said, "it's our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities". Since last two years I have made a lot of personal choices. Choices that made my life better. Choices that brought me where I am. You know, at first a lot of my relatives and teachers were against the idea of a girl going to the States by herself and discouraged my in every way the could but thankgully, my parents believed in my and didn't let me down. All those people who were against me going to America are in awe of the experiences I had. More girls from my school are applying for this program now. This gives me immense pleasure to help and inspire those girls to build their lives like I did mine.

Every good thing comes to an end. So did my journey. I came to India on 17th August, 2016. Back to my family, back to my friends, back to the old schedule. But I know this past year has changed my in ways that nothing else could. It was a beginning of a great journey ahead..And I am so very thankful for it.

Sometimes, just sometimes, I stay up late or get up early and think about everything that happened in the last one year. The good and the bad things. And I realized how much it has helped me grow. Indeed, i wouldn't trade that year for anything.

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Ramsha Khan
Ramsha Khan is a 17 year old aspiring journalist

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