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5 Tips to Make a Successful Travel Insurance Claim

Travel Insurance

Every year there are a handful of sad stories from people who have had their travel insurance claims denied and they end up paying massive medical expenses from their own pockets. These stories are tragic for the individuals who get their claims denied and make it known. However, the reasons why some insurance claims get denied remains a subject of controversy and speculation because travel insurance companies are bound by the policy and privacy regulations. These regulations prevent them from sharing the reasons for the denied claims to the public.

There are steps you can take to reduce the risk of having your travel insurance claim denied. Here are some recommended tips.

1. Always provide accurate and truthful information

When filling out your insurance application form, ensure you provide all the details related to your health and medical needs. The reason most insurance claims get denied is when you fail to provide accurate or omit vital information with regards to your health, hoping to attract lower premium rates. Whether the inaccurate information was given intentionally or accidentally, all cases of misleading information are grounds for the travel insurance company to reject your claims.

Anytime you make a claim your insurance company will review all your medical records and will be aware of your medical history. Before you submit your insurance application form consult with your doctor especially if you are uncertain about your medical history.

An example of incomplete information is when a person suffering from diabetes and develops a heart condition as a result of diabetes fails to mention the heart condition as a preexisting medical condition.

2. Always read your policy and understand the terms offered

You need to comply with the terms of your policy from your insurance provider. There are a few terms on your clause you should especially consider

  • Stability period/ Stability clause
If you take travel insurance that covers pre existing conditions, this clause provides that your medical conditions be stable for a defined period before your travel departure. Often it is 90, 120, 180 or 365 days varying from policy to policy.

  • Limitations and exclusions
Your cover is limited to certain medical conditions and is determined by your lifestyle and age.

  • Deductibles
Refers to the amount you pay from your pocket before your insurance provider steps in to provide cover for the balance of your claim.

3. Always inform your insurance provider of changes to your health

Travel Insurance

Your medical condition is bound to change after you purchase your policy and you will need to inform your insurance provider immediately these changes happen. Failure to do so is grounds for your claims to be denied. This applies even in instances that the change is unrelated to the stated pre-existing medical condition.

Any change to your medical condition will greatly affect you in two ways

  • Either Increase or decrease of the amount of premium to be paid
  • Termination and refund of your premium in case there is no policy cover for your new medical condition.
4. Update your insurance details before seeking treatment

Certainly, this will not apply during an emergency but you should make it a routine to contact your insurer before seeking any treatment when traveling. This will help you avoid any out of pocket medical expenses as you can arrange for direct billing to your insurance provider from the medical center. You can also simplify the claim process by obtaining all the necessary information and documents from your treatment provider.

Your insurance provider should be able to disclose the limits to your policy and restrictions if any. Always check that you are receiving medically necessary treatments so that you may not have to pay them if your insurance provider fails to approve your claim.

5. Keep all your receipts and treatment records

You will be required to submit treatment documents and receipts before your claim takes effect. Ensure you make copies of all the documents, to avoid a long process to your claim. Obtaining some of these documents after time has passed can be frustrating and cause an unnecessary delay to your claim. Generally, your claim may be denied for specific reasons that might appear trivial. In essence, if you do not meet all the qualifications to a claim you do not get covered.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 26th August 2019.

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