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7 Tips in Writing Great Guest Blogs

Guest Blogs

You probably know how hard it is to grow your own blog. And the notion of spending some of those efforts and time writing blogs for another website, aka guest blogs may seem a big “why” for you. Those that write a journal everyday can find it hard too think if the rest of them. 

It’s pretty straightforward, really.

Unlike newsletter postcards or email campaigns that only build rapport with clients, writing guest blogs builds your connection and expertise within your niche and industry.

For the beginners, getting started in writing guest blogs can be confusing, tough, and plain awkward.

In this new world other than your website, you might ask:

How do I write great guest posts?

Let our tips guide you!

1. Answer The Who

First off, you need to know who you are speaking to.

Remember, you’re not writing for your website. Thus, you need to get to know the website’s usual audience. What do they want to read? For this, you can rely on Quora as well as other research tools such as answerthepublic.com.

Guest Blogs

Define your personas. Take the time to know what they’re interested in. Most importantly, you should identify their pain points so you can solve their issues through your guest blogs.

Also, do not deviate from knowing who you’re talking to and your article titles should be focused on the site’s audience and help them achieve their goal or solve their issues.

2. Write What You Know

If an accountant is telling me how to build a computer program, I’ll be skeptical.

For someone to become an authority, they need to be qualified and have the expertise in that field.

A weight-loss instructor would not try to give you tax advice. Nor a tech website offering recipe ideas. If they do, then I would be searching somewhere else.

If you did your due diligence to define the audience, you’ll have a clear understanding of their problems. In addition, you should know that Google gives priority to content that boasts E-A-T, short for Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness.

Guest Blogs

So, when you combine those pain points with your knowledge and expertise, then you will be able to find their sweet spot.

This allows you to create titles that pique interest with the body delivering the best advice that can help them get what they want, ultimately elevating your trustworthiness and establishing your authority.

Oh, and there’s also the benefit of mentioning links to your website which can help you look good in the eyes of search engine rankings.

You can learn more about high-quality links.

Lastly, guest blogging can be a fun and profitable way to build and grow your own website while also making you feel good because you know you’re also helping someone else.

3. Intensive Research

The original Google algorithm made a point that citations of academic papers were a priority. The amount of citations an article contains and the number of other papers link back to them is how an article is judged.

And this became a basis for how the current algorithm was structured on quality links. Articles have come full circle back to writing the less professional and academic-like papers with citations of high-quality and credible sources.

Any high-quality guest blogs must be written in a journalist approach as the standard.


Evidence should back up all statements. There should be no unfounded claims. In addition, the piece should be well-researched including stats, studies, and a wealth of information to support the topic.


Offering unreliable information is the quickest way to lose authority and credibility.

4. Be Valuable That Answers Audience’s Questions

Three decades ago, libraries are where we research. Now, thanks to the world wide web, we got a huge information resource right from our fingertips.

And the majority of people surfing online want help with something. Searches are now focused on answering questions or solving problems.

Guest Blogs

And digital marketing works by answering these questions, helping people, and providing the necessary solutions.

Articles exist to offer information.

So, an article that does not say anything of use or value does not solve problems or answer questions, is not inspiring, connecting, or engaging with anyone is garbage.

Therefore, high-quality guest blogs need to be answering specific questions. (Circling back to knowing what the audience wants to read). It needs to have a real focus, well-researched, enriched with references to back up the claims that after reading, the readers have learned something new— something of real value.

5. Write at the Right Tone

Imagine giving a speech at an executive event. Would you speak to these professionals in the same tone as you would with a toddler?

Are you insane? Do you think that’s cute?

Similarly, would you talk highly technical or highfalutin terms, explaining to your 5-year-old kid how to operate his toy car?

Once again, circling back to knowing your audience, you can then write the tone to their level. And while it is still important to retain some level of your personality, you need to align it with your audience.

Or be honest is you are not just suited to the website’s audience and should not be pitching to them. Consider the level that your audience operates at and then frame your guest blogs to their level of intelligence.

For instance, if your audience is B2B, then you’re going to use specific industry language. If it's B2C, then you might want to engage in a conversational tone.

6. Visually Optimize Your Content

Most of the inexperienced guest bloggers pitch their contents as the boring, black-and-white text file.


Just don’t.

Guest Blogs Even books need to add some visuals every few pages or so. Your guest blogs, too, need to have some meaningful videos or images. This way, it looks more appealing to the readers and blog owners, and they are more likely to engage with your guest post.

Plus, it is pleasant for the moderators since they do not have to do the extra work to look for images for your content, (unless they have a strict requirement of adding their own searched media files).

Remember, guest blogs don’t just need to be a piece of content. It also needs to contain something entertaining and engaging.

You can use supportive slides, videos, infographics, images in a way that brings out the idea of the whole article to help the reader understand your concepts.

Or you can also introduce the hot trends of stories to your guest blogs. For instance, with Web Stories Editor released by Google, you can immerse your readers with fast-loading visual narratives with tappable interactions and engaging animations in a WordPress blog.

Guest Blogs

7. Use A Strong CTA

Short for call-to-action, CTA should be the finishing touch of every single guest blog. CTAs instruct the readers on what they can do next, prompting them to take immediate action. Sometimes, people only need a little encouragement to be involved.

You may ask the reader to just leave a comment or share the article with their social page. This is also the perfect time to ask them to visit your website and check out related articles.


In order to produce high-quality guest blogs, the above tips will ensure your content pitches will be elevated to outstanding and deliver the best results. Meanwhile, for the marketing of the Content on your blog on social media, you could rely on platforms like MissingLettr which is an AI-based Content Marketing assistance platform for Bloggers. Do you have any other tips on how to write superb guest blogs? Share it with the community by hitting the comment section below!

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 20th August 2020.

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