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Change Champions - The Need of the HOUR to Lead MSME Growth

change champions the need of the hour to lead msme growth There is a New Economic World Order being established right in front of us. The question is are we ready to harness the Golden Opportunities that will come our way? Is the MSME ready to absorb this growth and become the Economic Backbone of our nation? Is our Youth ready to become Entrepreneurs instead of becoming Job seekers? Are we equipped to handle this tsunami of Change where Change itself is Changing at a rapid pace?

Many questions but the answer is the creation of New Age Leaders- the 'Change Champions'. These Champions will blaze through the business world with their energy, enthusiasm, and purpose to contribute something worthwhile and make the nation proud with their achievements.

But first, let me describe the present state of Change which appears to be similar to the period at the onslaught of the Industrial Revolution. This period is vividly captured by one of England’s famous authors Charles Dickens. He writes……..

It was the Best of Times……It was the Worst of Times

It was the Age of Wisdom ……it was the Age of Foolishness

It was an Epoch of Belief……it was an Epoch of Incredibility

It was the Spring of Hope…. It was the Winter of Despair.

Two extreme experiences were being felt at the same creating of what we know as a Modern Civilization that was to change the world forever. Today with the Digital Revolution we are experiencing a similar situation where chaos and confusion cloud the minds of every individual. Information is flooding our lives and it is here we need to see how righteous knowledge can be created where we are able to establish a sustainable and progressive business Model. To do this we need to understand the Role of Leadership which is crucial and becomes the deciding factor to keep the business afloat and vibrant.

change champions the need of the hour to lead msme growth Here I quote “In the science of Management we have lost the Art of Leadership”. Leadership is an applied behavioral art that entrepreneurs who start a business should understand and learn to master.

In the 21st century of Knowledge, a new type of Leadership needs to be created which is a proper blend of Cognitive Intelligence along with Emotional Intelligence. A new vocabulary needs to be coined so that we are able to communicate more effectively with our Teams. Words like 'Observe' should be replaced with 'Reflect', 'Compare' to be replaced by 'Connect', 'Discuss' to be replaced by 'Visualize', so on and so forth. Thus effective communication with the Team will play a crucial role for the Leader to execute his vision and to fulfill his ambition.

The MSME leaders' Vision implies an understanding of the past and the present. It offers the roadmap to the future and suggests guidelines to those in a given enterprise. It visualizes how they need to act and interact to attain their desirable goal. The leaders' Vision may be intuitive or highly structured, but it becomes the foundation of all action.

Vision is a 'Channelized Thought' converted to energy for action. I call it the effect of Resonance when the thought energy vibrates in the minds of the people in the Team and who establish an invisible look through which the team appears one and bonded. This Thought of Vision is Energy which is part of the leader to motivate his team into action.

Understanding this energy and how it works inside the organization is vital to understand to be alert to context in a world that is constantly changing. The Energy in Vision Thought is defined as the capacity to perform work and cause the desirable change. Without Energy, there is no Change.
The Energy obtained from the Vision of the MSME Leader helps in

1. Giving the Right Direction to his team members

2. Satisfy the basic needs for Achievement

3. Gives his Team Members a sense of belonging

4. Gives a feeling of Control in one’s life

5. Gives the ability to live up to one's expectationsThe new-age MSME Leader needs to maintain a constant exchange of Energy to bring out extraordinary effort from his team members. The moment he lacks providing this energy to his team he will not be able to extract the desired result. So in today’s highly turbulent times, the Leader needs to constantly motivate his people to dip into the team's collective store of skills, knowledge, and expertise so that the people in his team can freely give the same for the future of the organization.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 31st August 2023.

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