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A! Marishane Youth Hub ignites Hope in the Community

Marishane Youth Hub powered by Activate! Change Drivers South Africa has on the 29th-30th March 2023 convened the first-ever free for all Information and Communications Technology Digital Training Workshop for Start-Up Entrepreneurs in the community led by author and motivational speaker Damaris Tokelo Marishane at the Marishane Tribal Council Office.

“We wish to welcome you all into the community and wish you all the best of luck in your deliberations over the two days that you’ll be here dismantling the new concepts of the digital era. Indeed, ICT is one strategic component we cannot ignore as the Moroangoato Traditional Council and we look up to you as ICT business people to help us upgrade our ways of doing business in the community” said Mr. Morwamokotle Masemola in his opening and welcoming remarks.

Marishane Youth Hub The workshop, facilitated by the University of Limpopo: CoLab and mLab Southern Africa, was graced by approximately fifty (50) young and elderly entrepreneurs from Ga-Marishane and neighbouring villages such as Mphanama Ga-Kgaphola, Ga-Phaahla, and Mamone Ga-Sekwati among others, exposed participants to new learning methods and systems in the technology era.

“It’s amazing what young people can do when gathered in one room to discuss ideas. They’re fresh, not solely loyal to affiliations, and energetic. We’re inspired by the invitation to speak at this forum as the Department of Social Development because movements such as Marishane Youth Hub gives young people a platform for expression. To this end, I wish to pledge our support to the initiative. Marishane Youth Hub must grow”, remarked Mirage Lentsoane from the Department of Social Development in Ga-Marishane.

“We live in an information age, where there’s rapid change in everything we do. We’re privileged that we have access to information via the digital space, as this enables us to become active global citizens. With everything that’s happening around the world, I wish to encourage all of us, especially young entrepreneurs here, to trend for the right reasons: Make education fashionable”, remarked Ms. Ramatsimele Mamogale from Room To Read South Africa- Marishane Office.

“I’ve been to most countries and continents around the world and what I’ve experienced is that, ICT plays a critical part in everything we do. However, amongst everything that’s happening around the world, I wish to emphasize the ‘time’ factor. Most developed countries, Germany, Holland, Nederlands, USA, China, and Belgium among others, are trained to have discipline and respect towards time. I wish to emphasize that we live in an era where ICT now plays two crucial roles: (a) As an enabler, and (b) As a strategic partner in our daily lives. I thus wish to convey our royal greetings to our visitors today, and wish you the best as you begin the workshop”, concluded Mr. Masenye Masemola on behalf of the Marishane Royal Kraal.

Marishane Youth Hub Participants spent two days being workshopped by CoLab under the University of Limpopo, mLab Southern Africa- Limpopo Provincial Office, AgriTourZA learning everything about ICT. From Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Machine Learning, the training touched on almost all the pillars of the Fourth Industrial Revolution available and applied in the business world today.

Marishane Youth Hub wishes to convey its appreciation to the following, respectively: The Marishane Council of Churches for the prayers and support, the Moroangoato Traditional Council and the Marishane Royal Kraal for welcoming and embracing the initiative, Dr. B Hlagala from The Presidency of South Africa, Ward Councillor Mr. Paul Lethuba from Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality for the warm embrace, Ms. P. Pholoto from Marishane Clinic, Warrant Officer Makuwa from the NEBO: Marishane South African Police Service Station, Mr. Mirage Lentsoane & Mr. Samuel Makeketa Tema both from the Department of Social Development, Mr. Matsebe Phasha from Limpopo ICT Forum, Ms. Ramatsimele Mamogale from Room To Read South Africa- Marishane Office, and last but not least, the participating entrepreneurs who left their small businesses to be workshopped about digital entrepreneurship.

We benevolently wish to extend our words of gratitude to the National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa (NEMISA), the National Department of Telecommunications & Postal Services, and the National Department of Science and Innovation. Indeed, the workshop was a great success because of you, and we thank you all for making your contributions towards achieving the Marishane Vision, the Limpopo Development Plan 2020-2025 Vision, the National Development Plan 2030 Vision of South Africa and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 24th August 2023.

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