Inspiring Stories
A collection of personal Interviews with celebrated leaders, entrepreneurs, corporate honchos or any success stories.
Mastering Time Management: Slow Down Without Losing Momentum
Most often it ain't easy to slow down without losing momentum when you are on fast track to achieve your goals and make happen your goals. Are you encountering packed days without time to rest and ease yourself down? Are you bogged down with massive lists but no room for delegation? Here's the perfect SHOW to watch.
Empowered Living Show
Are You Doing What You Really Want?
Lisa Danforth teaches business owners how to work less, enjoy life more, and get their lives back!
Her Credentials
Lisa focuses on time management as a Speaker, Business and Lifestyle Strategist and Coach, and helps established entrepreneurs have less overwhelm, more control, and a higher productivity in their businesses.
Don’t Get Overwhelmed
Lisa says that so many business owners, especially entrepreneurs, have the passion and tenacity to succeed, but get bogged down with all the responsibilities. No one starts a business to work 14-16-hour days, 7 days a week, but that’s often what ends up happening, and it can be too much.
She’s Got the Experience
Lisa is a 27-year, four-time business owner, and inspires entrepreneurs to slow down, while keeping momentum by creating effective systems, teams and best practices.
The Biggest Block
In nearly every one of her clients, Lisa says the problem is their lack of clarity of vision. Clarity brings more awareness to the choices we make, but many have lost their clarity because they’re too busy to slow down and see if what they’re doing is actually moving them forward. Lisa says it’s vital to have a clear vision of, not only the business you want to build, but the lifestyle you want as well.
Be Pulled
When you create your vision, and put it out there, your intention creates this pull towards it. If you feel you’re being pushed toward your goal, there is resistance. Clarity of vision will help you allow your vision to pull you.
Alignment and Mindset
If what we do isn’t in alignment with who we are, all the productivity tools in the world won’t help. Lisa says when she was the most successful, sailing along in her business, it was when she had the most belief in herself, trust in herself, and self-worth. When she wasn’t doing well, these things weren’t there. We tend to live into the mindset of who we believe we are, even if those beliefs aren’t true.
Fear Gets in the Way
Business owners fear exposure, vulnerability, even being homeless if the business fails, because we’re stepping into a larger space we’ve never expanded into before. It’s much easier to remember our failures than our successes. It’s important to trust your intuition, step into your greatness without being hooked on what others think. Don’t let others impact the way you show up in the world.
Fear vs. Excitement
Fear and excitement are two sides of the same coin, according to Lisa. We get to choose which side to follow. We make our own story. Business owners can get tripped up when they let their perception of what other people may or may not think of them dictate their mindset. Know that the fear of failure is what actually creates the failure itself. Remember, “your mission is so much bigger than your fear.”
You Can Be Unstoppable
Lisa says if we can just own our zone of genius, unhook from what everyone else thinks, and do what feeds our soul, we can’t possibly fail. Pull back the veil of judgment and connect to your mission, and nothing can stop you.
You Need a Team
Many business owners, and many of Lisa’s clients, have a fear of hiring a team to help them. Start slow, she says. Bring on a Virtual Assistant to do your bookkeeping. She found that a VA could get her books done in a fraction of the time it was taking her, and it not only freed up that time for Lisa to focus on her business, but it only cost her around $40/month.
Apps Can Help
This is where technology can help. Apps like “Asana” can help keep you organized and allow you to assign tasks to team members easily. A Customer Relationship Management tool, or CRM app, can make you look like you’ve got it all together, even if you don’t. Lisa uses one called “Less Annoying CRM,” and says it’s phenomenal. It sends you reminders to follow up with people, and you can even forward emails to the app, so all communication is in one place. Also, when it comes to time management, a great calendar app choice is crucial.
Focus on Generating Revenue
Lisa says if your list of priorities has twenty-seven things on it, that’s just a very long to-do list. Choose three actions you can take today that will get you in front of your ideal client and create a revenue-generating product. It doesn’t have to be big.
Chunks of Time
Lisa recommends Eat That Frog, by Brian Tracy, that addresses breaking up your calendar into chunks of time, and even setting a timer. It’s a great resource on productivity.
Celebrate Your Wins
It’s so important to notice your successes, as well as where you might need some improvement. Look at what you’ve accomplished at the end of every week. What worked, what you should do more of, what didn’t work, or what you need to let go of, and what you might need to change. Ask yourself where you were impactful and effective and where you weren’t.
Is it Okay to Want More?
Do you feel you should be grateful for what you have, but feel guilty because you still want more? We don’t allow ourselves to want more, but it’s okay to feel grateful AND want more. In fact, Lisa will tell you, that’s the space you want to be in all the time.
We not only have trouble setting boundaries, but even when we do, we make these boundaries optional. We essentially are teaching others how to treat us. Don’t let fear of disappointing someone, or ticking someone off, keep you from making solid boundaries.
Great Resources
Lisa suggests trying different apps. “Asana,” “Trello,” “Zoom,” “Acuity,” and “Slack” are just a few of the amazing tools out there for business owners.
Lisa’s FREE gift!
Go to, and click on the “FREE” tab to get your copy of “Ten Tips to Time Management Mastery!” Short, simple tips you can implement today!
Watch the SHOW!
Are You Doing What You Really Want?
Lisa Danforth teaches business owners how to work less, enjoy life more, and get their lives back!
Her Credentials
Lisa focuses on time management as a Speaker, Business and Lifestyle Strategist and Coach, and helps established entrepreneurs have less overwhelm, more control, and a higher productivity in their businesses.
Don’t Get Overwhelmed
Lisa says that so many business owners, especially entrepreneurs, have the passion and tenacity to succeed, but get bogged down with all the responsibilities. No one starts a business to work 14-16-hour days, 7 days a week, but that’s often what ends up happening, and it can be too much.
She’s Got the Experience
Lisa is a 27-year, four-time business owner, and inspires entrepreneurs to slow down, while keeping momentum by creating effective systems, teams and best practices.
The Biggest Block
In nearly every one of her clients, Lisa says the problem is their lack of clarity of vision. Clarity brings more awareness to the choices we make, but many have lost their clarity because they’re too busy to slow down and see if what they’re doing is actually moving them forward. Lisa says it’s vital to have a clear vision of, not only the business you want to build, but the lifestyle you want as well.
Be Pulled
When you create your vision, and put it out there, your intention creates this pull towards it. If you feel you’re being pushed toward your goal, there is resistance. Clarity of vision will help you allow your vision to pull you.
Alignment and Mindset
If what we do isn’t in alignment with who we are, all the productivity tools in the world won’t help. Lisa says when she was the most successful, sailing along in her business, it was when she had the most belief in herself, trust in herself, and self-worth. When she wasn’t doing well, these things weren’t there. We tend to live into the mindset of who we believe we are, even if those beliefs aren’t true.
Fear Gets in the Way
Business owners fear exposure, vulnerability, even being homeless if the business fails, because we’re stepping into a larger space we’ve never expanded into before. It’s much easier to remember our failures than our successes. It’s important to trust your intuition, step into your greatness without being hooked on what others think. Don’t let others impact the way you show up in the world.
Fear vs. Excitement
Fear and excitement are two sides of the same coin, according to Lisa. We get to choose which side to follow. We make our own story. Business owners can get tripped up when they let their perception of what other people may or may not think of them dictate their mindset. Know that the fear of failure is what actually creates the failure itself. Remember, “your mission is so much bigger than your fear.”
You Can Be Unstoppable
Lisa says if we can just own our zone of genius, unhook from what everyone else thinks, and do what feeds our soul, we can’t possibly fail. Pull back the veil of judgment and connect to your mission, and nothing can stop you.
You Need a Team
Many business owners, and many of Lisa’s clients, have a fear of hiring a team to help them. Start slow, she says. Bring on a Virtual Assistant to do your bookkeeping. She found that a VA could get her books done in a fraction of the time it was taking her, and it not only freed up that time for Lisa to focus on her business, but it only cost her around $40/month.
Apps Can Help
This is where technology can help. Apps like “Asana” can help keep you organized and allow you to assign tasks to team members easily. A Customer Relationship Management tool, or CRM app, can make you look like you’ve got it all together, even if you don’t. Lisa uses one called “Less Annoying CRM,” and says it’s phenomenal. It sends you reminders to follow up with people, and you can even forward emails to the app, so all communication is in one place. Also, when it comes to time management, a great calendar app choice is crucial.
Focus on Generating Revenue
Lisa says if your list of priorities has twenty-seven things on it, that’s just a very long to-do list. Choose three actions you can take today that will get you in front of your ideal client and create a revenue-generating product. It doesn’t have to be big.
Chunks of Time
Lisa recommends Eat That Frog, by Brian Tracy, that addresses breaking up your calendar into chunks of time, and even setting a timer. It’s a great resource on productivity.
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Celebrate Your Wins
It’s so important to notice your successes, as well as where you might need some improvement. Look at what you’ve accomplished at the end of every week. What worked, what you should do more of, what didn’t work, or what you need to let go of, and what you might need to change. Ask yourself where you were impactful and effective and where you weren’t.
Is it Okay to Want More?
Do you feel you should be grateful for what you have, but feel guilty because you still want more? We don’t allow ourselves to want more, but it’s okay to feel grateful AND want more. In fact, Lisa will tell you, that’s the space you want to be in all the time.
We not only have trouble setting boundaries, but even when we do, we make these boundaries optional. We essentially are teaching others how to treat us. Don’t let fear of disappointing someone, or ticking someone off, keep you from making solid boundaries.
Great Resources
Lisa suggests trying different apps. “Asana,” “Trello,” “Zoom,” “Acuity,” and “Slack” are just a few of the amazing tools out there for business owners.
Lisa’s FREE gift!
Go to, and click on the “FREE” tab to get your copy of “Ten Tips to Time Management Mastery!” Short, simple tips you can implement today!
Watch the SHOW!
Copyrights © 2024 Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine
Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 24th January 2018.
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